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On Thursday, December 4, the Washington Association of Churches honored
Father Ryan with their award for Ecumenical Leadership.
Rev. John Boonstra, former WAC Executive Director, said in
presenting the award to Father Ryan: |
It is a great honor to present this Ecumenical Leadership Award to Fr.
Michael Ryan. Few things would have touched my heart as the invitation
to join in honoring this wonderful soul and dear friend.
Michael has blessed my own journey with wisdom in tough situations,
guidance in the midst of thorny problems and a caring and love for
people that transcends all the obstacles that everyday life throws our
In my work with the WAC over 17 years, I was blessed
with an evolving sense of defining what and who is a religious leader.
A lot of us define religious leader by office, degree or position. But
when it comes right down to it, we all look for religious leaders to be
something beyond all that, don't we? We look for the ones who
bring us together church folk and community folk to feel the power of
God's people gathered. We look for the ones who
motivate our spirit.
We look for the ones who selflessly
care for the neighborhood. We look for the ones who
give thanks for all those gathered at our tables and who then ask --
who is missing and why? We look for the ones who plan
for worship and liturgy that lifts us up and gives expression to our
love for God's words, ways &works. We look for the ones
who know that the mission of God precedes the mission of the church
AND are not afraid to live that way. We look for the
unshakeable ecumenical ones. Enter Fr. Michael G.
I celebrate that such a gentle and persuasive and
spirited and authentic religious leader has graced us as Senior pastor
of St. James Cathedral.
A great cathedral calls people to
prayer, challenges them to justice and entices them into the beauty of
Seattle's St. James Cathedral does that, and much more. And it does
that by having strong pastoral leadership from Fr. Michael.
Michael's own words reveal the grace of his leadership: "The embrace of
any cathedral should be wide. Sooner or later, people of all faiths and
of no faith at all find their way there. St. James is no exception. St.
James Cathedral welcomes all people of good will who enter its doors."
Fr. Ryan has called us together ecumenically in this sacred cathedral to
pray for peace; to pray for non-violence; to grieve over injustice; to
lament oppression; to celebrate our unity and to bring us together to
just let us be together for a while. The most
cherished religious leaders we have are those who teach us, show us and
model for us how God yearns for the people of God to be with one
another. I thank God for the ministry and ecumenical
witness of Fr. Ryan. And with those at the WAC, I offer him this
Ecumenical Leadership Award. |
Father Ryan's response
Would it come as a surprise if I told you that the bricks and mortar,
granite and marble of St. James Cathedral are 'ecumenical' bricks and
mortar, granite and marble? They are! In the early years of the
last century, all of Seattle, not just the Catholics, dug deep into
their pockets to help build St. James. The Great Cathedral Fair of
1903 that raised nearly $20,000 to begin construction of the Cathedral
attracted as many Protestants as it did Catholics -- and that's a good
thing because there were a whole lot more Protestants here than
Catholics, and if the Cathedral had had to depend on Catholic money
alone we would probably still be digging the foundations!
Considering that ecumenism was a largely unknown word back then and the
ecumenical movement was still generations away, I find that pretty
Some 85 years
later when I came to St. James, there were, of course, many more reasons
to look at the Cathedral through the ecumenical prism and for me to see
my role as an ecumenical one. My own seminary formation had taken
place in Rome during the Second Vatican Council, that launching pad for
ecumenism in the Roman Catholic Church. Those were heady days and very
exciting days, thanks to the vision of the great Pope John XXIII, and I
remember them well. After 400 years, the Roman Catholic Church was
climbing out of its ghetto-mentality and embracing a vision of Church
that emphasized the beliefs we Christians have in common rather than our
differences: 'One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of
all, who is over all, and works through all, and is in all.'
And, then,
fairly early in my years of priestly ministry, I had the unparalleled
privilege of working very closely with a giant of a man, Archbishop
Raymond Hunthausen, who will forever represent a high point of ecumenism
in this community, and who will forever in my mind define what ecumenism
is all about because in his own person he embodies what unity and love
and dialogue and being Church are all about.
All this is a
way of saying that whatever I've been able to do to foster ecumenism
during my years at St. James Cathedral, I credit to those powerful
influences. Thanks to them, I came to St. James believing that the
Cathedral is God's house for all God's children, a place where people,
no matter what their beliefs or their differences, can come together in
times of challenge and times of celebration, times of triumph and times
of testing -- come together to pray, to listen, to learn, to gain
resolve, to gain respect and, ultimately, to find ways to become
in fact what we are in faith: the Body of Christ, called together to do
Christ's work: to work for peace, to advocate for justice, to speak up
for the voiceless, and to care for those who cannot care for themselves.
We do these things so much better when we do them, not alone, but
My friends,
it is very humbling to receive this award but it is even more humbling,
and rewarding, to work with people like you and with organizations like
the Washington Association of Churches, to make the gospel vision of
Jesus come alive in our time.
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104
Phone 206.622.3559 Fax 206.622.5303