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The Very Reverend Michael G. Ryan

photo and bio

The Reverend Alex Pablo
Parochial Vicar

The Reverend David A. Brant
in Residence

Click on a name to email
Don't know who to e-mail?  Click here

Lawrence N. Brouse | photo and bio 206/382-4280

John Simpson  | photo and bio Director of Faith Formation 206/654-4658
John Marquez  | photo and bio RCIA, Adult Confirmation 206/654-4640
Patty Pruitt | photo and bio Administrative Assistant 206/274-3108

Tami Kowal | photo and bio Children’s Faith Formation, Youth Confirmation 206/219-5822
Leticia Escobar  | photo and bio Faith Mentors and Faith Friends Coordinator 206/619-0816

Corinna Laughlin | photo and bio Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy 206/264-2086
Julie Sharples | photo and bio Sacristan 206/654-4646
Peter Burns  | photo and bio Sacristan 206/654-4646
Spencer Truong | photo and bio Sacristan 206/654-4646

Anisa Ralls | photo and bio Parish Mental Health Ministry 206/382-4269

Joseph Adam | photo and bio Director of Music and Organist 206/382-4597
Christopher Stroh | photo and bio  Assistant Director of Music and Organist 206/382-4876
Marjorie Bunday | photo and bio Administrative Assistant for Music 206/382-4874
Stacey Sunde | photo and bio Director of Youth Music 206/382-4874

Patrick Barredo | photo and bio Director 206/382-4515
Mick McHugh  | photo and bio Director of the Cathedral Kitchen 206/264-2091
Tom Bentler Catherdal Kitchen 206/264-2091
Adriana Henry  | photo and bio Director of the Solanus Casey Center 206/223-0907

Sayuko Setvik | photo and bio Tutoring Coordinator
Patrick Suhrbier | photo and bio Senior Immigrant Legal Services Coordinator  
Erica de Klerk | photo and bio Refugee Welcome Coordiator
Laura Murton | photo and bio Immigration Legal Coordinator 2  

Maria Laughlin | photo and bio Director/Webmaster and Assistant to the Pastor 206/382-4284

Yanti Kapoyos Pastoral Assistant for Weddings and Funerals 206/382-4288
Bev Mauser | bio Wedding Coordinator 206/382-4288
Louise Mennella | bio Wedding Coordinator 206/382-4288
**Click here for wedding information**  

Mary MacLean  | photo and bio Bookkeeper 206/382-4564
Maggie Corrigan | photo and bio Office Manager 206/622-3559
Caroline Okello | photo and bio Welcome and Volunteer Coordinator 206/654-4650

Tang Nguyen | photo and bio Facilities Manager 206/622-3559


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303