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On Wednesday of Holy Week, we pray the ancient office of Tenebrae. As Michael Sean Winters recently pointed out, "It is an ancient service that serves as a kind of vigil to the paschal triduum, with the extinguishing of the candles... a mirror image of the lighting of candles that accompanies the Gloria at the great Easter Vigil."

On Holy Thursday, the Church recalls the institution of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is Christ's living presence in our midst. Participating in the Eucharist unites us to Christ's body, and commits us to serve one another. The washing of the feet by the Archbishop and Father Ryan is a powerful sign of this servant leadership to which we are all called.

The solemn liturgy of Good Friday begins in silence. The clergy prostrate themselves before the altar while the assembly kneels.

The veneration of the Cross on Good Friday

"Faithful cross the saints rely on, noble tree beyond compare!"

At the Easter Vigil, a new fire is blessed, and the Christ candle, the sign of the risen Christ, is lit.
One flame becomes many.  This celebration is the high point of the entire liturgical year.

"We wait on the Lord, who is our light in darkness."

Father Ryan carries the Book of the Gospels through the Cathedral, and the good news is proclaimed: Christ is risen.

We call upon all the saints to intercede for our Elect.

After many months of preparation for this great night, the Elect confidently profess their faith,
rejecting sin and Satan and proclaiming their belief in God, the Father Almighty, and his son, Jesus Christ.

"I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

The entrance of the newly-baptized is a high point of the Easter Vigil!

The newly-baptized celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.

"Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit."

After the baptisms and confirmations, we renew our own baptismal promises and are sprinkled with the baptismal water.

The outpouring of the sacraments continues as the newly baptized and confirmed complete their Christian initiation by receiving the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time.

A glorious Easter Sunday!

The Triduum officially ends with Easter Vespers. Father Ryan gathers with our neophytes at the baptismal font, the place of their new birth. Happy Easter!




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