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Patrick Barredo has been serving as Director of Social Outreach and Advocacy since 2016. He leads the Cathedral’s efforts in promoting life, peace and justice, particularly in the areas of poverty, food insecurity, racial equity, housing and homelessness, and care for creation, at the local, national and global spheres. This work welcomes partnerships with local Catholic churches and institutions, ecumenical and interfaith communities, and those who share a common vision for a world in which the dignity of all life is held sacred.

Patrick is the son of Filipino immigrants. He was born and raised in central New Jersey, attended the University of Notre Dame (BA 1995, Master of Divinity 2001), and pursued graduate studies at the University of Washington (School of Social Work) and Seattle University (Pastoral Leadership Program). His ministerial partnerships have brought him to Kenya, the Philippines, Guatemala and Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. He is a frequent contributor to FAITH Catholic.

Patrick and his wife Christina have three lovely children. When he is not coaching their sports teams, Patrick ekes out time to bike, hike or try new recipes. He is surprised that the screws in his right leg have never set off airport metal detectors. 



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Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303