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Our Mission

The St. James Cathedral Garden serves the St. James Cathedral Kitchen by providing fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs to supplement the meals for our houseless friends and those in need in downtown Seattle and First Hill. The Garden also offers opportunities for parishioners, community members, neighbors, kitchen guests, and even passersby a way to connect with earth by contributing to the growing of the food that nourishes the needy.

View the latest Kitchen Garden Newsletter here.

Our History

The garden began as nothing more than a sign on a fence around a tiny section of broken up asphalt just southwest of O'Dea High School in 2013.

By spring 2015, it had grown to a few beds and was producing a few bins of tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower and zucchini.

In 2017 the garden moved to its current 1/4-acre home on the corner of Terry and Madison Ave. In the three summers since, the growth has been jaw-dropping. Just this spring alone - between March and mid-July 2020 - the garden produced over 200 pounds of greens, 25 pounds of carrots, a wide variety of herbs, and more than 15 pounds of berries to the St. Mary's Food Bank in the Central District in response to their need. That's not even the half of it! This year, our dedicated volunteers have continued tending to the garden in creative, safe ways through the pandemic - and the results are nothing short of miraculous.

Help the Cathedral Kitchen Garden!
For more information, or to volunteer to help in the Garden, contact Peter Burns or call 206-382-4235. The garden is bursting with summer growth, and we need your help now more than ever!  All ages, backgrounds, faiths, experience levels, and interests welcome!

Follow the Cathedral Kitchen Garden on Instagram!




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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303