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Wednesday of Holy WeekTenebrae.  We begin our observance of the Sacred Triduum of the Lord with the ancient service of darkness.

Holy Thursday.  After the solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper, the altar is stripped and the cross is veiled.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues until Midnight on Holy Thursday.

Good Friday, March 25, 2005.  Morning Praise in the East Apse.

James Savage conducts the men's chant choir during Good Friday morning praise.

At the Tre Ore ("Three Hours") devotion on Good Friday, we meditate on the Seven Last Words of Jesus, his last recorded words in the four Gospels.  Margaret O'Brien Steinfels offered meditations this year.  "What are we doing here?" she asked at the beginning of her remarks.  "What are we looking for? Some glimpse into the mind of Jesus as he prayed in Gethsemane, or as he was betrayed by his friends, or as he was confronted by--and himself confronted--the authorities in Jerusalem.  What was he thinking as he climbed to the place of his execution?  What was he thinking as he hung upon the Cross?"

At the beginning of the solemn celebration of the Lord's Passion on the evening of Good Friday, the entire assembly gathers and prays in silence.

View from the oculus.  The clergy prostrate themselves before the altar while the assembly kneels in silence on Good Friday.

Together we venerate the cross of Christ.  "This is the wood of the cross on which hung the savior of the world!"  We respond:  "Come, let us worship."

Individual veneration of the cross.  The choir sings Rachmaninoff's Veneration of the Cross:  "We venerate thy Cross, O Lord Christ, and we praise and glorify thy holy resurrection:  for thou art our God; we know none other beside thee; therefore we call upon thy name.  O come hither, all ye faithful, let us magnify Christ's holy resurrection:  for behold, through the Tree joy has come to all the world."

On Holy Saturday, March 26, we again gather for Morning Praise in the East Apse.  Today the responsory reminds us of the great victory to come:  "For our sake Christ was obedient to the point of death, death on a cross. Therefore God raised him on high and gave him the name that is above all other names."

Continue on to the Great Easter Vigil
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