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The ship upon stormy waters is an ancient emblem for the Church. St. Hippolytus wrote in the 3rd Century: "The world is a sea, in which the Church, like a ship is beaten by the waves, but not submerged."


Beginning on November 27, 2011,
the First Sunday of Advent, we will begin using a new translation of the Roman Missal -- the book containing all the prayers of the Mass.  Some of our most familiar responses will be changing.  By learning about the translation and preparing in advance, we can help make the transition as smooth as possible, and continue to pray the Mass together, united in our responses and focused on the work of praise.
This special section of the Cathedral website includes resources to help us prepare for the new language of the Mass.

A prayer during this time of transition

Lord God,
our prayer adds nothing to your greatness.
No words can fully express who you are,
for you dwell in light and mystery.
Only through Jesus Christ,
your eternal Word made flesh, can we know you;
only in your Holy Spirit can we give you fitting praise.
O God beyond all praising,
may we praise you always,
not only with words,
but with prayerful thoughts and loving deeds.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.



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