Day 6
We pray for the Spirit s gift of knowledge. With the gift of
knowledge, we understand the meaning of God's Revelation, especially as
expressed in the life and words of Jesus Christ. A person with knowledge
is always learning more about the scriptures and tradition.
Come to our bishops and priests, and fill them with the knowledge of
your ways, we pray:
Come, Holy Spirit!
Come to this Archdiocese of Seattle as we await the appointment of a new
Archbishop, and give us a wise and understanding shepherd. We
pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
Come to all the neophytes of our parish, all the children who received
First Communion this Easter, all the young people who received the
sacrament of Confirmation, and continue to guide them to greater
knowledge of Christ s word. We pray:
Come, Holy Spirit!
Come to all of us, and teach us to be more aware of God s presence, in
word and in sacrament, and in all God s creation:
Come, Holy Spirit!
Novena Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit!
Come to the Church in our time of need:
Heal, cleanse, and renew us.
Raise up for us prophetic leaders,
humble, compassionate shepherds,
with wisdom to read the signs of the times
in the light of the Gospel.
Come to our world,
and teach us to reverence the earth
and all of creation.
Come to our hearts,
and fill us with your gifts,
that we may live the faith we profess
and commit ourselves anew
to the Gospel of Christ.
Come, Holy Spirit,
with the wind and fire
of a new Pentecost.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful,
and kindle in them the fire of your love.
You send forth your Spirit, and they are created:
and you will renew the face of the earth.