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Friday, April 1, 2005

As the Holy Father neared death, we kept vigil in the Cathedral until Midnight.

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Shortly after Noon, we receive word of the Pope's death.  Black and purple banners are hung while the Cathedral's great bell is tolled.

On Saturday evening, more than a thousand gather in the Cathedral for Mass and a candlelight vigil.  "Dear friends, our Church stands at a new and uncertain moment as we mourn the loss of an extraordinary Pope, a Pope who for more than a generation has defined the papacy, a Pope who in many ways has been larger than life," Father Ryan said in his homily. "He became the conscience of both Church and world as he crisscrossed the globe courageously calling people to a higher and a deeper morality... we do stand at a new and uncertain moment as a Church but we do not stand alone. The same Lord who inspired the earliest Christian believers to the heights of holiness and who elicited from fearful, doubting Thomas a dazzling act of faith is with us now and will be with us until the end of time. We are not alone." 

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Masses at the Cathedral were filled to capacity throughout the day.  At the conclusion of the Sunday evening Mass, a candlelight vigil was held while the Cathedral choir sang "Totus tuus," a setting of Pope John Paul II's motto.

"Totus tuus ego sum, Maria."  "O Mary, I am entirely yours!"

Monday, April 4, 2005

Archbishop Brunett offered Mass in memory of the Holy Father.  The Cathedral was filled to capacity, with some 1,250 in attendance.  The Archbishop announced at the conclusion of Mass that on Friday, the Chancery Office and Catholic schools throughout Western Washington would be closed.  He would offer Mass for the Pope to coincide with the funeral in Rome.

The 12:10 Mass on Monday afternoon was broadcast live on Northwest Cable News.

Friday, April 8:  Requiem Mass

On this day of the Pope's funeral and burial in Rome, two special liturgies celebrated his life and witness.  At 12:10pm, Archbishop Brunett offered a special Mass attended by more than 1,800, including civic and ecumenical leaders. Photo copyright photobymike.com.

The Cathedral Choir, joined by members of many local ensembles, sang Durufl 's sublime Requiem in honor of Pope John Paul II, under the direction of Dr. James Savage.  Photo copyright photobymike.com.

The gifts procession included representatives of many different nations.  Photo copyright photobymike.com.

Photo copyright photobymike.com.

Members of the Polish Catholic community in Seattle wore their traditional costume in honor of the Polish Pope John Paul II.  Photo copyright photobymike.com.

Friday, April 8:  Ecumenical Prayer

In the evening, at 6:30pm, an ecumenical prayer with music from Taiz was held, attended by more than 400.

Dr. Sandy Brown, Executive Director of the Church Council of Greater Seattle, offered the prayer:  "Holy God, Lord of life, creator of all.  We thank you for the life of Pope John Paul II.  We thank you for his ministry, for the example of his deep devotion, for the passion of his social witness, for his patience through suffering, and for the power of his witness of peace.  God, welcome John Paul, Karol Wojtyla, into the hands of your grace.  With your saints let him join in the song of praise sung from the beginning of time.  Holy, holy, holy is your name."

Place of Prayer for the Holy Father

Hundreds of people have come to kneel at the place of prayer established in the Cathedral since Thursday afternoon.  The place of prayer will remain throughout the nine days of mourning for the Holy Father.

At the place of prayer is an image of Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of Poland, painted by Seattle artist Georgetta Gancarz.

Hundreds write messages in many different languages in the book of intentions.  "I know no other pope," one message reads.  "You were elected the year I was born.  With your passing, one of my life certainties is shaken.  You prayed for us every day and loved us constantly.  You fought for our freedom and gave us back the faith.  Now we pray for you.  The choir of angels be with you in the transition from death to LIFE.  I love you as I loved my grandfather.  Rest in peace!"


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