2012 marked the fiftieth anniversary of
the opening of the Second Vatican Council, which began on October 11,
1962, and closed on December 8, 1965. A
variety of special events helped us mark this milestone anniversary.
Thursday, March 15, 2012 | 7:00pm, Cathedral
Father Paul Janowiak, SJ on liturgy:
Ever Ancient, Ever New: Liturgical Reform as an Expression of a Vatican
II Vision of the Church Click
here for resources on Father Janowiak's talk, including a reading list
Monday, April 30 |
7:00pm, Cathedral Hall
Father James Eblen on Dei Verbum and the Council's
insights into Scripture
Thursday, June 28 |
7:00pm, Cathedral Hall
Father William Treacy: Children of God Together:
The Council’s
vision of Ecumenism & Interfaith Relations
Monday, September 10 |
7:00pm, Cathedral Hall
Bishop Bob McElroy, auxiliary bishop of San Francisco, on
Gaudium et Spes and Religious Liberty
Sunday, September 30 | 10:00am Mass
Dedication of a new shrine honoring Blessed John XXIII
Monday, October 1 |
7:00pm, Cathedral Hall
Patty Repikoff, on the Second Vatican Council's vision of Church
Monday, October 29 |
7:00pm, St. James Cathedral
John O’Malley, SJ, What Happened at Vatican II?
Thursday, November 15 |
7:00pm, Cathedral Hall
Father Michael Raschko, Gaudium et Spes:
Where do we go from here?