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2012 marked the fiftieth anniversary
of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, which began on October 11,
1962, and closed on December 8, 1965. Learn more about the
Council here!
Bulletin Inserts |
Basic Q&A |
For Further Reading | Links of Interest
January 8, 2012. What is a Council?
January 22, 2012. A Whirlwind Tour of the Ecumenical Councils
February 5, 2012. Precursors to the Council
February 26, 2012. Blessed John XXIII: Pope of the Council
March 4, 2012. Preparations for the Council
March 18, 2012. The Council Opens.
April 15, 2012. The Council at Work.
April 29, 2012. Renewing the Liturgy.
Sunday, May
13, 2012. Transition in the Council: From John XXIII to Paul
Sunday, May
27, 2012. Debates on the Nature of the Church.
June 10, 2012. Lumen Gentium: Key Teachings.
Sunday, July 1, 2012. Religious Liberty: Key Teachings.
Sunday, July 15, 2012. The Council and Christian Unity.
Sunday, August 5, 2012. In Our Times: The Council & Non-Christian
Sunday, August 26, 2012.
Towards Perfect Love: The Council
and Bishops, Priests, and Religious
Sunday, September 9, 2012. Dei Verbum: God's Word.
Sunday, September 30, 2012. A New Vision for the Laity.
Sunday, October 14, 2012. Gaudium et Spes.
Sunday, October 21, 2012. The Council Ends.
What is a Council?
The word “council” comes from the Latin concilium, which means
“gathering” or “assembly.” In the Church, a council is a gathering
of leaders to address areas of concern in teaching or governance.
The first council, called the “Council of Jerusalem,”
is described in the Acts of the Apostles. “No little dissension
and debate” had arisen because of the question of what to do about
Gentile believers (15:2). Some argued that it was not enough to be
baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, but that converts must also be
circumcised and thus bound to observe the entire Mosaic Law. But
others—Paul among them—argued that baptism in Christ was enough.
In order to resolve the issue, Paul and Barnabas went up to Jerusalem,
and “the apostles and the presbyters met together to see about this
matter” (15:6). After much prayer and debate, they came to an
agreement that these new converts did not need to be bound to the Mosaic
Law. Together, they wrote a letter proclaiming this decision,
which was read to all the churches. They spoke with great
authority: “It is the decision of the holy Spirit and of us,” the
Apostles wrote, “not to place on you any burden beyond these
necessities” (15:28; emphasis added). Their confidence that the
Spirit speaks when the Church gathers in solemn Council remains today.
“The infallibility promised to the Church is also present in the body of
bishops when, together with Peter’s successor, they exercise the supreme
Magisterium, above all in an Ecumenical Council” (Catechism, 891).
What is an ecumenical Council?
When we use the word “ecumenical” in regards to Church matters, we
usually think of a gathering of Christians of various denominations.
But when we speak of a church council, “ecumenical” means “universal.”
An “ecumenical” Council is one to which all the bishops of the world are
summoned. (The word “ecumenical” comes from a Greek root which basically
means “the whole house”!) While there have been many Church
councils through the centuries, there have been only 21 ecumenical
What do Councils do?
Just as in the Acts of the Apostles, Councils gather to settle disputes
and to reform the Church in areas of teaching and of discipline.
While we may not have heard of many of the Councils in Church history,
we experience their fruits every day as we live out our faith. The
first councils of Nicaea and Constantinople rejected the heresy of
Arianism and wrote the Creed we recite every Sunday. The Second
Council of Nicaea defended the use of Christian images against the
so-called iconoclasts. The Council of Trent published the first
catechism and reformed the liturgy. The First Vatican Council
defined the dogma of papal infallibility.
Why is the Second Vatican Council called Vatican II?
A Council is traditionally named after the city where it took place. No
fewer than five councils are called “Lateran” because they took place at
the Lateran Basilica, which until the 14th century was the official
residence of the Pope. The most recent Council was called
“Vatican” because it took place at St. Peter’s in the Vatican, and it
was called “Second” or “II” because it was the second ecumenical Council
to take place there.
What was the point of Vatican II?
Most of the Church’s 21 ecumenical councils were called at times of
crisis, when heresies or scandals were shaking the Church. Vatican
II was not like that. Instead, Pope John XXIII convoked the
Council because the Church needed “aggiornamento,” updating, if it was
to respond effectively to the unprecedented challenges of modern times.
The Council brought the bishops of the world together to talk about
everything from the liturgy and the Scriptures to modern media.
“This is the greatest concern of the Ecumenical Council,” said Pope John
XXIII in his opening address on October 11, 1962: “the sacred
deposit of Christian doctrine should be guarded and more efficaciously
taught….Our duty is not only to guard this precious treasure, as if we
were concerned only with antiquity, but also to dedicate ourselves
whole-heartedly and fearlessly to the task that our era demands of us.”
The wisdom of the Council was poured out in sixteen
documents and in fifty years of lived experience. As we explore
the documents and their ongoing legacy during the coming year, we will
realize the truth of Baltimore Cardinal Shehan’s words a few weeks after
the closing of the Council: “the Council is over; the Council has
just begun.”
Corinna Laughlin, Director of Liturgy
The Council Documents
- Austin Flannery, Editor. Vatican Council II:
Volume I, the Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents.
Costello Publishing Co.
Church history in general
- Thomas Bokenkotter. A Concise History of the Catholic
Church, Revised Edition. Doubleday, 2004.
Blessed John XXIII
- Peter Hebblethwaite. John XXIII: Pope of the
Century. Continuum, 1994.
Vatican II: General
- Bill Huebsch, Vatican II in Plain English: The Council.
Ave Maria Press, 1996.
- Bill Huebsch with Paul Thurmes. Vatican II in Plain
English: The Constitutions. Ave Maria Press, 1996.
- Edward Hahnenberg, A Concise Guide to the Documents of
Vatican II. St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2007.
- John O’Malley. What Happened at Vatican II.
Harvard, 2008.
- John O’Malley, et al. Vatican II: Did Anything
Happen? Continuum, 2007.
- William Madges and Michael Daley, Editors. Vatican II:
Forty Personal Stories. Twenty-Third Publications, 2003.
- Giuseppe Alberigo. A Brief History of Vatican II.
Orbis, 2006.
- Xavier Rynne. Vatican Council II. Orbis,
Vatican II: Specific Teachings
- Rita Ferrone. Rediscovering Vatican II: Liturgy.
Paulist Press, 2005.
- Ronald Witherup. Rediscovering Vatican II:
Scripture. Paulist Press, 2005.
- Richard Gaillardetz. Rediscovering Vatican II:
The Church in the Making. Paulist Press, 2005.
- Edward Cardinal Cassidy. Rediscovering Vatican II:
Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue. Paulist Press,
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