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Though the mountains fall away
and the hills be shaken,
My love shall never fall away from you
nor my covenant of peace be shaken,
says the Lord, who has mercy on you.
Isaiah 54:10


O God most high,
you are slow to anger and rich in compassion.
Keep alive in us the memory of your mercy,
that our angers may be calmed
and our resentments dispelled.
May we discover the forgiveness
promised to those who forgive
and become a people rich in mercy.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

ICEL, 1998




  • For healing to the hearts which hate

  • That all the survivors find peace in their hearts

  • For the whole world – if only it could learn from its mistakes – the unleashed greed and materialism goes beyond all boundaries

  • That Father Mychal Judge become a saint

  • That we find ways to become instruments of God’s peace

  • For peace, for compassion, for humility

  • That our nation will follow the teachings of Christ expressed through the Church and no longer wage war as a solution to violent actions taken against us

  • For love, compassion, and the ability to communicate across cultures in peace

  • For peace and love in all nations.  Freedom for all in Christ Jesus

  • For peace, healing, forgiveness and understanding.  May we all learn to love each other more fully and truly appreciate the gift of life

  • The world find more compassion, more peace.  Praise God

  • That we have a world of peace where everyone can learn to live together without the need to fight.  It’s a hard enough life as it is without making it harder.

  • That peace prevail….

  • That peaceful Muslims be treated with respect and understanding

  • That God bless all the souls and their families

  • Peace for our military men and women and to our country.  Family, peace, and love

  • Lord, please forgive those who believe that bloodshed, violence, and murder are actions blessed and commanded by you.  May they find peace in your love.  Please help all of humanity to assist in rooting sin and evil from the earth.

  • For all the members of the airplane crews that died that awful day, for their families and coworkers

  • Never forget

  • That all those who still harbor pain, bitterness, and anger can work through those feelings.  That people never forget!!!  That we can rebuild and become whole through this.

  • For the healing of all the workers who took away the rubble of the World Trade Center and who are now suffering ill health because of it.

  • For all deceased to be resting in peace, along with their loved ones who are still alive.

  • For the victims’ families, for the memory of those lost, and that all of humanity may come to live in the fullness of our being and that peace, love, and light reigns throughout the planet!


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