Cathedral Coloring Book


What color was the sky on the morning Jesus was baptized?  What about on the night the Israelites crossed through the Red Sea?  The Bible doesn't tell us.  Use your imagination when you color in these pictures!

Click on a picture to make it bigger, then print out and color!

Adam and Eve on the Great Bronze Doors.  The angel points the way out of Eden.  All are sad.  What color is the snake on the tree?  What color was Eve's hair? Moses leads the Israelites through the Red Sea (from the Great Bronze Doors).  Do the people look excited? frightened?  How would you feel?  What color would the water be?
On the night Jesus is born, a donkey stands at his stall.  What do you suppose he's thinking about? John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the River Jordan.  Look at the animal skins John is wearing!
Jesus teaches the people the Good News of the kingdom.  Do you see someone like you in this crowd of people? Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph on Palm Sunday.  "Hosanna!" everyone cries.
Our patron James was a fisherman before he left everything to follow Jesus.  Can you find him on the front steps of the Cathedral?  Look for his fish as well! Jesus was mocked and crucified.  "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."  What colors express the sadness of Good Friday?
The Lamb of God, symbol of the Resurrected Jesus!  (from the central East Apse Window.)  What colors express the joy of Easter morning? The Phoenix rises from the ashes.  This mythical bird is another symbol of Jesus.  Why is this such a good emblem of Jesus?
St. Mark's lion.  The four evangelists are symbolized by an angel, a lion, an eagle, and an ox.  Which symbol would you choose? The Mother Pelican.  In old times, people thought the mother pelican fed her young with her own blood when there was no food.  Why is this also a good symbol of Jesus Christ?

If you enjoy coloring these, look in the Cathedral Bookstore for two Cathedral coloring books--All Kinds of Living Creatures, which shows all the animals in the Cathedral, and Open Now the Gates of Heaven!, a coloring book about the great bronze doors.  All these pictures were drawn by Jenny Sokol, copyright (c) St. James Cathedral, 1998, 1999.