• Virtual Tour

• Coloring Book


• Prayers to Know

• What is Mass

• Stations of the Cross

• Our Mother Mary

• The Evangelists

• DiBicci Speaks

• Saints of St. James

• James the Greater


• Whose Feet?

• Finding Angels


• Youth Ministry

• Young Adults


• CFF at St. James

• Rainbow Schools



Safe Environment Policy



St James Cathedral's Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) department provides ongoing faith formation for children age 4 through grade 7, as well as sacramental preparation for children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion and older children preparing for Baptism.  In addition, CFF partners with the Youth Minstry team to facilitate a class for children with special needs.

Our aim is to support parents and guardians in their vital role as the first and foremost teachers of faith for their children.  Our programs are open to all young people, whether they are Catholic or not, and whether they are attending a Catholic or public school.  Together with our pastor, Father Ryan, the staff and volunteers of the CFF programs seek to provide opportunities for children, youth and their parents and families to grow in their relationship with Jesus and the Church in order that they may live the Gospel fully at home, at school, at work and in the world.

The sessions take place most Sundays from September through June, with several additional Saturday sessions for sacramental preparation.  Sunday sessions are from 11:00am to 11:55am on the Cathedral campus.

For more information, contact Tami Kowal.

Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is coming soon.




Faith Formation Classes (Sunday School Classes)

Children’s Faith Formation classes take place from 11:00am – 11:55am (after the 10am Mass) on most Sundays of the school year. We offer classes for children ages 4 through grade 7, and a new youth group gathering for grades 8 and beyond during this time. There is also a class for children with special needs called Faith Friends that meets from 10:15- 11:45.




Youth First Sundays
The first Sunday of each month, October through June at the Noon Mass, all children and youth are invited to join in the formal entrance procession at the beginning of Mass.  In addition, young people are invited to serve as readers, ushers, altar servers and choristers.  Youth who have been confirmed are invited to serve as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion as well. Following Mass this first Sunday of each month there is kid friendly food and family hospitality in Cathedral Hall.

Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation and First Communion

This is a two-year program for younger children. 

  • Sacramental Preparation 1 (Sac Prep 1, the first year)
    • Children this group are 1st graders who have been active in the Sunday School program at St James, or are 1st graders who are new to St James, or are children ages 6-8 who have not been catechized or who have not participated in some formal sacramental preparation in a parish.  All children in this group have been baptized in the Catholic Church.
  • Sacramental Preparation 2 (Sac Prep 2, the second year)
    • Children this group have participated fully in Sac Prep 1, or have been well catechized, e.g., they attend a Catholic school or they have participated in formal sacramental preparation in another parish.
    • Children in this group celebrate First Reconciliation in the winter and First Communion in the spring of this second year.


Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist for Older Children and Youth (Becoming Catholic)

  • Becoming Catholic is for young people who desire, with the consent and support of their parents and guardians, to become fully-initiated Catholics.
  • There are three groups of young people in Becoming Catholic: those aged 7-17 who have never been Baptized, those aged 7-17 who have been baptized in another Christian tradition, and those aged 9-17 who have been baptized in the Catholic Church but who have received little or no formal religious instruction.
  • Contact Tami Kowal for more information.

Youth Confirmation

Young people who are at least 13 years old and who have been baptized and received First Communion are invited to prepare for this Sacrament. Contact Tami Kowal for information.

Ministry Opportunities for Young People

St. James Cathedral provides many opportunities for children to serve in their faith community. Our catechists recognize that sometimes, children may need to leave the classroom early to serve at Mass. An adult escorts them as a group to the church.

  • YOUTH READERS serve by reading at the Sunday Masses. Tami Kowal, 206-219-5822
  • ALTAR SERVERS assist by serving at the Sunday Masses.  Corinna Laughlin, 206-622-3559 ext. 3996
  • YOUTH EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION.  Youth who have been confirmed serve in this capacity on Youth Sundays.  Corinna Laughlin, 206-622-3559 ext. 3996
  • MUSIC PROGRAM (Youth Choirs) invites children to participate in its children's choirs. Stacey Sunde, Director of Youth Music, 206-382-4874
  • FAITH FRIENDS Youth serve as a mentor or peer to another child with in our Faith Friends program. Leticia Escobar,

Children's Faith Formation Staff



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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303