"Every stranger that knocks at our door is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ." - Pope Francis
You’ve heard of the butterfly effect? The mere act of a butterfly moving its wings has an effect on the air in another place! The principle of 'cause and effect' applies everywhere, including tutoring. I get as much, or more, out of this tutoring endeavor than my students do! I enjoy introducing my students to a little treat I baked in the kitchen, or having coffee with my student to break up the routine where we have casual conversation and build friendships, or giving my pregnant student a baby blanket I made for her. If I weren’t tutoring, I wouldn’t be on the receiving end of a student’s relative explaining something about Russian culture to me, and I wouldn’t have the delight of watching my student from Afghanistan “catch” the enthusiasm she needs to learn English and build a solid future for herself and her family here. With tutoring, I deepen my understanding of other cultures and the struggles of immigrants and refugees. I develop the empathy they need from me to help them. My world gets larger and my appreciation for the blessings I enjoy here in this country increases. We as tutors can diminish, if only a tiny bit, the pain and suffering in this world! All I’m doing is helping someone conjugate the verb “to be”!!!! But tutoring is a 'big deal.’ And it can profoundly affect innumerable people and places!!!!
- Rebecca, Volunteer
With St. James Immigrant Assistance, you can:
Your donations help us to provide immigrants and refugees with access to materials, legal services, well-trained volunteers, and qualified staff at no cost.
Donate online Or mail your donation to: St. James Immigrant Assistance 804 Ninth Avenue Seattle WA 98104 Make your check or money order out to "St. James Cathedral Immigrant Assistance". Your donation is tax deductible and all proceeds solely support the work of the St. James Immigrant Assistance program.