Blueprint for the statue of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on the
west façade of St. James Cathedral.
Archives of St. James Cathedral.
Below: Mother Cabrini’s first Seattle mission on Beacon Hill.
of Archives of the Archdiocese of Seattle.
In 1950, when Bishop Connolly set about modernizing the Cathedral, he
knew he wanted to fill the three niches on the front of the Cathedral
with images of saints. He chose St. James, of course, St. John Vianney,
and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Seattle’s own saint, who had been
canonized just four years earlier.
Mother Francesca Saviero Cabrini, the redoubtable founder of the
Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, was born in Lombardy in 1850,
but she spent her life all over the world: Rome, New York, Nicaragua,
Buenos Aires, Panama, Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, Seattle. Mother
Cabrini’s motto was “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”
(Phil. 4:13) and she lived by that creed. “Let us work for God, let us
tire and sacrifice ourselves for His love,” she wrote to one of her
communities, “and when we feel we can do no more, let us say: My Jesus,
all for Thee, and let us continue to work and tire ourselves. We shall
have Eternity during which to rest.”
Mother Cabrini first arrived in Seattle in 1903. “Here we are not far
from the North Pole,” she wrote in a letter home. She loved the young
city: “The city is charmingly situated, and is growing so rapidly that
it will become another New York; its port is open to the steamers that
sail to and from Alaska. The town of Seattle spreads over twenty hills;
and though it is fifty degrees north latitude, it enjoys an interminable
spring because of the current that comes from Japan.”
Mother Cabrini found a rich field for her mission work in Seattle,
where thousands of Italians had settled in the Rainier Valley. “In the
valleys surrounding the hills where we are, there are about 5,000
Italians, who follow us like baby chicks with a brooding hen. We hope we
shall be able to do them some good. Although they have been neglected,
they have not lost their traditional faith. They love the Madonna.” She
established a firm friendship with Bishop O’Dea: “The bishop is very
good. His name is O’Dea and he is happy to have us in his diocese
because we bear the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
With Bishop O’Dea’s strong support, Mother Cabrini established Sacred
Heart Orphanage on Beacon Hill, which soon grew into Mount Carmel
Mission, a center for ministry to Italians, with regular Masses and
confessions, a workshop, and a school.
After a few months, Mother Cabrini entrusted the new foundation to her
Sisters and continued on to her next challenge. At one point the
overburdened Sister in charge of the Seattle mission made the mistake of
complaining to Mother Cabrini, who sent back this advice: “In the
morning, rise at five o’clock sharp… work like a young sister…. do not
complain that it is too much or you will never be blessed by the Holy
Mount Carmel Mission on Beacon Hill did not last long. By 1910, plans
for the regrade of 12th Avenue meant the site of the orphanage would be
sluiced away, and the Sisters asked Mother Cabrini to come back and help
them find a new property.
The Seattle community could have found a new site themselves, of
course. But they knew Mother Cabrini had a positive genius for acquiring
property. She combined boundless faith and simple piety with shrewd
business acumen. Upon her return to Seattle, she looked at a map of the
city and sent two of the Sisters to look in the Laurelhurst
neighborhood. Though the Sisters were doubtful about finding anything in
that part of town, they did Mother’s bidding and returned full of
enthusiasm: “We have seen heaven on earth!” Only then did Mother Cabrini
tell them she had seen the site in a dream. Soon a brand-new school,
Sacred Heart Villa, rose on the site (it is now known as Villa Academy).
It was at this “heaven on earth” that one of the miracles for Mother
Cabrini’s canonization took place, just over a decade later. In 1925, a
34-year old sister named Delfina Grazioli became seriously ill. She was
unable to eat, barely able to move. As she later wrote: “Finally one
night, I couldn’t sleep and I looked up and Mother was standing there.
She shook her finger at me, just like she always did, and said: ‘I’m
going to send you to work.’ Then she smiled and disappeared.” Sister
Delfina was cured. She did go back to work—for another forty years!
Not all of Mother Cabrini’s property negotiations went as smoothly as
the purchase of the site for Sacred Heart Villa. Her biggest Seattle
project—Columbus Hospital—would strain her friendly relationship with
Bishop O’Dea, as we will see in our next issue.
Corinna Laughlin, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy