On Saturday, September 14, 2013, we had the unique privilege of welcoming a
special relic of St. Therese of Lisieux--her éscritoire or
lap desk, on which she wrote her major writings, including The Story of a
Soul. Hundreds of people gathered in the Cathedral for this
special encounter with St. Therese of Lisieux.

Therese's writing desk has never before left the Carmel of Lisieux.

This drawing by the saint's sister, Celine, shows her using the writing desk.

Father Andrew Small, OMI, is the director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in
the United States, which sponsored this visit. (One of his predecessors at
the Pontifical Mission Societies was Venerable Fulton J. Sheen!) Even
though Therese died at the age of 24, and lived the life of a cloistered nun,
her missionary spirit has led to her being declared the co-patroness of the
missions, alongside St. Francis Xavier!

A youth reader proclaims the words of St. Therese.

All were invited to write an intention on a slip of paper and place it next to
the writing-desk. Father Ryan led the way.

At the end of the prayer, Father Small placed our intentions inside Therese's
desk. This was the dream (literally!) of the Sister in St. Therese's
Carmel who loaned the desk for this visit.

St. Therese, patroness of the missions, pray for us! Find out more about the work of the Pontifical Mission
Societies in the United States by visiting their website,
Click here to read another account of the visit of the
writing desk of St. Therese.