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Madre de las Americas 2013
Each year at the beginning of Advent, the Cathedral hosts the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas.  This celebration brings together people from across western Washington, and is coordinated by Isaac Govea of the Hispanic Ministry Office of the Archdiocese.

Madre de las Americas 2013
The celebration begins with a rosary at St. Mary's, followed by a procession to the Cathedral with a live tableau of Saint Juan Diego and the Virgin.  This year, the 19th annual celebration, more than twenty groups of traditional dancers participated.

Madre de las Americas 2013
The Virgin appeared to Juan Diego not as a Spanish European, but as a young native girl. 
The costumes, music, and movement of the dancers bring together the traditional culture of the native peoples of Mexico and their deep Christian faith.
Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013
The incredible variety of costumes and colors reflects the diversity of the Mexican people.

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013
Incense fills the air as the dancers pause to pray before entering the Cathedral.

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

The splendid roses at the altar and at the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe recall the roses which Saint Juan Diego gathered in winter as a sign for the doubting bishop that Mary had truly appeared in Mexico.

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013

Madre de las Americas 2013
Following the arrival of the procession, Mass begins, with Archbishop Sartain,
Bishop Elizondo, and many concelebrating priests.

Madre de las Americas 2013
"Agua de vida - water of life!  Santo recuerdo - holy reminder!"

Madre de las Americas 2013
Deacon Adolfo Carbajal proclaims the Gospel.

Madre de las Americas 2013
The procession of the gifts of bread and wine to the altar is led by a group of dancers.
Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!




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Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303