• Virtual Tour

• Coloring Book


• Prayers to Know

• What is Mass

• Stations of the Cross

• Our Mother Mary

• The Evangelists

• DiBicci Speaks

• Saints of St. James

• James the Greater


• Whose Feet?

• Finding Angels


• Youth Ministry

• Young Adults


• CFF at St. James

• Rainbow Schools




Choir Camp 2016 got off to a great start today!  Fifty-five (55!!!!) campers are going to make 2016 a year to remember. The Schola Cantorum are in the bright blue shirts, while the St. Cecilia Choir is in neon yellow.

The theme for this year is "Run the Race." As Father Ryan reminded us, the Summer Olympics are underway. We are also part of a team. We have the saints and angels in our cheering section, cheering us on to victory, and Jesus is our prize!

Starting the day with Morning Prayer in the Cathedral Chapel.

Father Ryan shares the stories of the bronze doors with the younger campers--
from Adam and Eve all the way up to the heavenly city.

We don't just sing with our mouths. We sing with our whole body!

The Schola Cantorum hard at work learning new music--and making new friends.

Singing in the Cathedral in the afternoon. The sound is so different here than in the Choir Room, isn't it!

Ms. Christina Smith gives a tour of the Cathedral to the Schola Cantorum in the afternoon.
Ms. Smith is a "graduate" of Choir Camp herself and sang in Jubilate! Young Women's Ensemble as well.

A quick fiddle lesson!

Lunchtime is a great chance to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones.

Special thanks to the young women of Jubilate! who are there throughout the week to lend a helping hand. This week would not be possible without you.

Get lots of sleep, campers. You have a big day tomorrow!


Excerpts from the Campers' Journals

  • Before camp started, I felt tired. After camp started, I felt less tired. Fun fact about me: I'm not ambidextrous. I'm writing with my left hand. I cannot right with my right hand since I fractured it. :)

  • I found a friend that's funny. We were singing songs; we saw a person dance; me and my friend were laughing and having fun with each other. Funny moments!

  • When you sing, don't face the ground, look in front so your voice can go far!

  • Anxious ----> Fun. Learned about the fiddle and Scotland!

  • Today in choir I felt nervous at first. I learned a lot of different songs. We met a fiddler. I also met Father Ryan. I love to sing.

  • Today I felt kinda nervous because this was my first time at Choir Camp but during the day it became more fun.

  • Today, before journal time, we heard some beautiful fiddling music. The fiddler was named Christina. There is actually no difference between a fiddle and a violin except the music. I met a girl named Helena who was nice.

  • We had a Scottish fiddler come and play music. She also gave us a tour of the Cathedral. I also met up with some of my friends from previous years. I made new friends today as well. I love Choir Camp. It fills me with joy. I appreciate what the adults do for us. #mostfunever

  • At my first day and first time on a camp was amazing. When I came I didn't have friends, but now I have many friends and I like to be in the camp. It is so fun to learn about many things like music, songs, instruments, and about St. James Cathedral. What an awesome day!

  • I really enjoyed the fiddler today because I am an Irish dancer, and I liked hearing the songs that I've danced to. Before camp started, I was excited for camp, and now I am excited for a new day. Also, I liked seeing my old friends again, and hopefully I'll make some new ones this week. I also loved being back in choir, because I've missed it during the summer.

  • Before Choir Camp, I felt tired. I didn't feel scared or nervous becasue I did this camp before. After camp I felt good about the songs and the food. Even though I knew all the songs we sang, I enjoyed them. My favorite song: "I want to walk as a child of the light." I really enjoyed the fiddler playing the music and the tour she gave. I also enjoyed seeing Ms. Sunde's daughter! I thik she also enjoyed the music!

  • Morning: This morning when I was in the car, I felt really nervous because I had never been to Choir Camp. But I usually make friends on the first day of camp and I knew that, so it helped. Afternoon: After lunch, I made a bunch of new friends and was having lots of fun and still learning lots of new things about singing.

  • I felt really nervous before today. Now I love camp. I can't wait until tomorrow.

  • Before camp I felt a little nervous. Now I am feeling happy. Today we all got to meet a fiddler.

  • Today I sang in choir, and I loved it, and I made a new friend.

  • A thing that happened today was a fiddler came to fiddle with us. It was so fun! It made me want to Irish Dance! I also met a friend. Her name is Sara and I sit next to her. Today was really fun!

  • Tired, fun, interesting!  Touring the Cathedral. I met new friends and it was good. Fiddle was cool!

  • Today I was very excited to come because I knew I would see a lot of my friends. I really loved it today because I learned a lot of new songs/people. I like how Ms. Sunde explained the song and different ways to sing.

  • Today I experienced something that I never thought I would do. For the longest time, my mom always pushed me to join St. James Choir. I enjoy music a lot but singing in front of audiences has never been my thing. When I got here this morning, I was hoping to actually hate/dislike it, but I have met some wonderful people and I just love it so much! I'm looking forward to it!

  • Today was the Cathedral tour. I learned that the Cathedral was actually based off 15th-century Italian architecture and not strictly Romanesque.

  • Before Choir: I felt really excited for choir to start! I was so excited I could hardly sleep. I know that it is now the time in my Schola career to be a leader and to make everyone at camp feel welcome, just as students had when I first joined. Now: It feels really satisfying to know that some people look up to me. But, just as Richard Webster said, "Everyone is a leader, and no one is a follower." There is no hierarchy! Even though this will be my 5th year, it keeps returning as a new experience.

  • Before: Nervous, not really wanting to go. Afer: Surprised, satisfied, learned three new songs.

  • Before choir, I did not know about pronouncing my vowels when I sing. Now I know that you can't just mumble the words when you sing. You have to pronounce the words.

  • Choir Camp is really fun! I thought that we were going to be singing the whole time but we did lots of other fun stuff, too, like listen to a fiddle player, have a snack, and we got a tour of the cathedral. We learned how to pronounce vowels and other cool stuff. I met a new friend and hung out with my BFF. I had a really fun day and I am excited for tomorrow!






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