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At Morning Prayer, Father Brant pointed out the figure of St. Luke in the painting by Neri di Bicci.

Do you remember which one is Luke?  And do you remember when this painting was made?
Hint: It was before Christopher Columbus set sail!

We use mirrors to check our vowel shapes.

Today we had the opportunity to explore the Solanus Casey Center, a center that helps homeless and low income people with all kinds of needs, especially replacing their IDs when they are lost or stolen.

We'll stop for a snack anytime, anywhere!

Later in the morning we went to Ninth and Jefferson to sing for our Seattle City bus drivers.  They've had a rough week and they need our support!  Read our thoughts on this experience below.

We presented handmade cards to our busdrivers.

One Metro driver, who happens to be a soloist at St. James, wrote:

Dear Schola Cantorum,
Thanks for singing in support of your Metro bus drivers. This is fabulous.
Norman Smith
St. James Cathedral Soloist
Metro Bus Driver.

Suzanne Lee, Family Minister, talks to us in the afternoon about her work at the Cathedral.

Singing with the whole body!!

In the afternoon, we had time set aside for an art project.  This time, our assignment was to draw a picture of one of Jesus' disciples:  ourselves!

The watercolor pencils were tricky... but fun.

All the portraits will come together tomorrow!


How did singing for the bus drivers make you feel?

  • Everything we did was really fun and when we sang to the bus drivers God must have been pleased and that we lifted up the bus drivers’ spirits.
  • I felt really good inside.
  • I bet it made others feel happy that someone was actually trying to comfort them and make them feel better.
  • I think that people often are quick to judge things.  I feel like many of the people we sung to directly or indirectly were annoyed with us.  We were in their way, they were busy, they judged our music as simply a distraction.  But when they’re on the bus back from work or driving, or whatever, I think that they’ll be thankful for what we did.  That they’ll realize that even if their day was terrible, there was one moment there where some kids in green shirts told them to be happy.
  • I think it’s fun, and it made me feel good, but also a tiny bit weird.  I think it might have made other people feel special and interested.
  • I had a lot of fun, happy, warm inside.  I think that doing it was a good idea.  I think it made people really happy.
  • I found it amazing but terrifying at the same time due to bus driver haters and how they might react.
  • We went to sing at bus stops, and it made me happy, and I think all of the bus drivers were happy.
  • I felt that this experience was fun and heartwarming, knowing somebody else’s day got better because of my singing.
  • My thoughts on what we just experienced are, that it was fun and I am tired.  I think it made others feel happy too.
  • It was fun.
  • My thoughts on what just happened are this:  it made me happy knowing that I made other people happy.  And I hope it made others happy too.
  • I think it made people’s day.  I think it made people realize that there’s still some good in the world.
  • My thoughts are that it was AWESOME.  It was the best feeling ever.
  • I felt so happy when I handed the driver the cards.  I felt fuzzy and warm inside.  He was smiling so wide that I thought he was gonna break his jaw.  I felt jubilant after singing Jubilate Deo, In your midst, and everything else.  I thought it was fun.  It’s like Christmas caroling, but different season and different songs.  I also was smiling.  Not as wide as the bus driver.  I am one tiny boat out of millions, that is completely overflowing with support, love, comfort, and happiness.  I love doing that.  I think using my talents makes smiles.
  • I feel happy to help and encourage the people and bring happiness. I think it made them feel good too.
  • When I was singing, I was filled with joy because I love to sing.  When people have had a yucky day, just little things can go a long way.  Like a chain reaction, one smile can lead to a whole group of happy people.  Happiness is contagious it seems.
  • When I saw people giving the cards I felt like as if I saved a life.  I feel very good about myself.
  • When we sang for the busses, I was the first person to give a bus driver the cards we made and the enormous smile on his face not only showed how happy he was, but made me feel happy, too.
  • I loved it so much that we just made other people happy and made them smile.
  • When we sang in front of the busses I saw them before we sang.  The bus drivers looked sad and scared and worried after they looked happy to be bus drivers.  I made me feel happy that they were happy.
  • Sharing our love and song with all the people made me feel good, like I was doing the right thing.  It gave me confidence.  When we went to the bus stops to do what we did it felt like it was going to make a difference in the world.  A good difference, not one of the bad ones like robots taking over the earth.  And even though I can’t read minds, I think others might have felt loved, and cared for.
  • I thought we were great because I saw smiles on everyone’s faces, and knew that we were a special highlight for them today.  For me, I felt a warmth, the kind of feeling you get when you’ve done something truly remarkable and you get great praise for doing it by receiving smiles and waves.  I think that others felt happy inside and like they made a difference in someone’s day.  Thank you, Ms. Sunde, for doing this with us.
  • Singing by the bus stop made me feel happy.  I think singing by the busstop was an awesome idea.  I think our actions made the bus drivers feel happy and reassured.
  • I thought that when you try to make someone else feel better, you end up making a lot of people feel better.
  • Going out to sing for the bus drivers and people made me feel proud of our choir group.  I think it made others feel happy and appreciated.  And after they read the cards I think they will feel safe and even more happy.
  • It was fun and exciting when the buses came, and the best part was it felt like Spirit day (free dress days with a theme).  I’m pretty sure Elise Bernard felt the same way.
  • Singing at the bus stop was like serving.  I felt like I was serving God.
  • We just spread the word that we care about our bus drivers.  It made me feel good because I know that bus drivers have a tough time.
  • I think singing at the bus stops made the bus drivers feel more respected and made the people waiting for the bus happy and joyful.  It was a really great experience for me and probably everyone else in choir.  It was really fun and I really enjoyed it.  I also enjoyed li8stening to those people talk about people that are homeless or don’t have enough money to pay for food or anything and about places that can help them like a shelter or the Cathedral Kitchen.  And I thought that was really amazing.
  • What we just did made me feel sort of guilty.  I really realized how much I have that other people don’t have.  I’m a little bit of a snob sometimes but I raelly realized that people would do anything for the stuff I have, but don’t.  It was fun too because I got to sing and MAYBE be on TV! (OMG)  It was nice to put a smile on people’s faces.  By the looks of it, some people were really happy and were recording us and smiling.
  • It made me happy thinking that our cards and singing could have brightened those bus drivers’ day.
  • I feel happy because I made someone else happy.




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