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At morning prayer today, Mr. John Marquez talked to us about the story of the two disciples who meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus.  How is this story like a game of "hide and seek"?  Who "won" the game?  Where do you find Jesus hidden, in the Mass, and in your day-to-day encounters with others?

In the morning, we had a dazzling recital from Mr. Angelo Rondello.

Our last mid-morning break!

Rehearsing in the Cathedral for the afternoon concert.

We gave a recital to our neighbors at Ozanam House, right across the street from the Cathedral.

Ozanam is a house for formerly homeless men.  It was a privilege to sing for them!


Finding new uses for the hula hoops and jump ropes!

A huge thank you to the Cathedral Bombarde, great musicians and great role models!


Our concert in the Cathedral in the afternoon. It was great to get to show everything we'd learned to parents and friends!

Mr Castro conducting!


Enjoying an ice cream social with parents and friends in the Cathedral Courtyard after the concert.


It's not over!  Be sure to come to the 10:00am Mass on Sunday, when we'll have the privilege of providing music for the Mass and leading the entire assembly in song!


How do you feel at the end of Choir Camp?

  • Happy/Tired
  • Tired and excited, full, happy
  • I thought going to the bus stop and singing for the bus drivers was cool.  It made me feel happy.  It think it made others feel happy too.
  • I feel sad, sad that choir camp is coming to an end.  I have had so much fun and learned so much during this past five days it is hard to say goodbye to all my new friends.  I can’t wait for next year.
  • This is my fifth year at Choir Camp and I really liked our theme:  In your midst as one who serves.  Once again, I want to thank Ms. Sunde, Ms. Gilmore, Mr. Castro and all the volunteers.  You have helped make this an amazing experience for all of us campers.  Thank you so much.
  • I am feeling really nervous/excited and just saying to myself:  “OK, I’m really excited, but nervous.  I’ve never done this before and I don’t know what to expect, so I’ll just do whatever everyone else is doing.”
  • I feel that I am feeling excited and happy for the concert.  I’m kind of scared, but I know I’ll be better.
  • Sing!  Happiness!  Friendship!  (That’s what you need as a singer!)
  • I can’t wait for Choir!
  • O my gosh, I can’t believe that Choir Camp is almost over.  I will miss it so much but I am so excited for Choir.  I missed it so much.  I am happy that I got to spend these last few days.  I hope that next year is as much fun as this year.  I love Camp.  I love the teachers and I love making new friends.  I also love singing.
  • I feel sad and joyful at the same time.  I feel sad because I moved to another choir.  Happy, because I know I will go next year.
  • I feel happy and sweaty.
  • I am very excited for the concert but a little bit nervous.  I have had a great week and I am sad to have it end.
  • I feel sad because I’m pretty sure this is my last year as a camper.  I’ve had an AMAZING time as a camper and I’ve been in choir since I was 6 which is 7 years.  I just feel SO grateful to everybody for teaching me to sing.  The YMP wouldn’t be the same without any of the teachers today.
  • Tired.  Sad?
  • Happy, excited, proud of myself, nervous
  • I am feeling tired and happy
  • I am feeling tired but prepared
  • I am hot but excited for the ice cream party and the concert.  And I hope I have fun today.
  • I am feeling so nervous I could puke.  I actually feel like puking right now.  Gulp.
  • I am definitely excited for when Choir starts up again in September!  Also, for the concert and ice cream party!  I will miss the kids who will go on to Jubilate!  But I am also happy for them.
  • I feel AWESOME because our concert is TODAY!
  • Right now I feel a little tired but excited about the concert and Sunday.  I also feel sad that camp is over.
  • I’m nervous and happy happy.
  • I feel happy that we are going to the concert and tired because this has been a long week of singing and rehearsing.
  • Right now, I am feeling a little tired and a little nervous, because I have to sing “I am in your midst” in the concert.
  • I’m hot, tired, sad, excited, anxious, and everything
  • I’m feeling tired and excited for the concert.
  • I’m feeling hot and excited.
  • I’m feeling tired and like I could use a break, but I’m also feeling happy and that it’s been a good week.  I’m also feeling a little sad, because Choir Camp is almost over, and it’s my last Choir Camp.  I’ll miss Schola and Choir Camp, but I’m excited for Jubilate!  I’ll miss you all, but I’ll see you around.  Bye for now!
  • Joyful, tired, excited, anxious, ready to sing
  • I am feeling excited to sing at the concert.  I am going to miss Ms. Gilmore because I will be in a different room.
  • Tired, excited, scared, worn out.
  • I am feeling tired, excited, hot, The End.




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