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preparations for the Centennial Celebration!
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a slide show of photos by Mike Penney (PDF format)
On the steps of the rectory, Archbishop Brunett and Bishop Tyson watched
the procession of more than 400 parish representatives, sisters, and
ecumenical leaders, and 100 priests. Archbishop Brunett carried
the historic Blanchet crosier.
Women from the Swinomish and Lummi nations led the procession.
Two young people from St. Aloysius take their place in the procession.
The Knights of Columbus, together with the Order of Malta, the Order of
the Holy Sepulchre (see picture below), and the Knights of Peter Claver,
formed a dramatic honor guard.
The Polish Community from St. Margaret's parish carry their wonderful
hand-painted banner featuring Our Lady of Czestochowa.
Here, the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver flank the stairs during the
great procession.
More than 100 of the priests of the Archdiocese of Seattle watch the
procession from the steps of the Pastoral Outreach Center.
Women religious, including Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, Sisters of Providence, Tacoma
Dominicans, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, and Carmelite
Nuns--all orders who have had a special connection with St. James
Cathedral over the years--join in the procession.
In the vestibule, servers give honor to a reliquary bust of St. James,
which contains a true relic of our heavenly patron.
The Deacons of the Mass, Deacon Eckert and Deacon Warfield. Deacon
Joe Curtis also assisted at the Mass.
As the parishes entered, their banners were placed at the piers.
The special banner stands were engineered by sacristan David Olsen.
Father William Gallagher, pastor of St. James Cathedral from 1973-1988.
Father Gallagher was also present at the Golden Jubilee of the Cathedral
in 1957!
Five bishops joined in the celebration--Archbishop Brunett, our retired
Archbishop Hunthausen, Bishop Joe Tyson, as well as visiting
bishops--Archbishop Hurley of Anchorage and Bishop Connolly of Baker.
The Cathedral was packed for this historic celebration.
Representatives of more than 100 parishes, Cathedral parishioners,
ecumenical leaders, civic leaders, and hundreds more all joined together
in praise and thanksgiving.
We were privileged to welcome leaders from many Christian churches as
well as interfaith representatives. www.photobymike.com
Father Ryan and Archbishop Brunett sprinkled the assembly with the holy
water that recalls our baptism. www.photobymike.com
Representatives of many cultural communities prepare for the procession
to light the dedication candles. www.photobymike.com
During the Gloria, the dedication candles were lit.
Archbishop Brunett said: "all who come to this Cathedral have
their eyes drawn heavenward to its glass oculus, this eye in the center
of the Cathedral. And what do they see? They see in writing the solemn
pledge and covenant of Jesus growing from his Passover meal. I am
in your midst as one who serves.”
Read Archbishop's entire homily
Women religious read the prayers of intercession.
There is no better way to give thanks than the celebration of the
Eucharist, our sign of faith and bread of life.
At the conclusion of the Mass, Father Ryan offered an invitation to the
reception. He said: "After 100 years, the Cathedral still
holds its surprises and secrets. And one of them is the
cornerstone... After months of searching, we still don't know where it
is. And maybe we're not supposed to. Maybe this is a
metaphor because Christ is the true Cornerstone of this place and the
people who come here to pray and to serve are the living stones of the
Cathedral--more important than any bricks or marble, glass or bronze.
You are those people and you make this a blessed and holy place--with or
without a granite cornerstone!"
James "the Greatest" joined in the procession at the end of Mass.
After Mass, people came up for a closer look at the wonderful variety of
banners created by parishes.
And after the Mass--fresh-squeezed lemonade, ice cream, strawberry
shortcake, a brass band, and centennial souvenirs!
Seattle Police Officer Kevin Smith--shown here with Father Ryan--sports an authentic SPD uniform from
the turn of the century. www.photobymike.com
Hundreds and hundreds of people signed the beautiful Centennial scroll
which will be placed in a Centennial time capsule high in the
Cathedral's north tower.
Archbishop Brunett and Bishop Tyson were the first to sign the Centennial
Sister Frances Wink came from Portland for the celebration, and
Archbishop Hunthausen from faraway Montana! They are joined here
by Marianne Cote.
View photos of the preparations here
Download a PDF of the
Order of Celebration here
View an album with more photos at the Seattle P-I
Photos by M. Laughlin unless otherwise indicated
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Seattle, Washington 98104
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