St. James Cathedral

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St. James Cathedral Immigrant Assistance Volunteer Inquiry Form


Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Please fill out the form below and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that fields with an asterisk are required.
*First Name: *Last Name:
*Street Address: *City:
*State: *Zip:
* Email:
Gender: Birth Date mm/dd/yy:
Ethnicity (self-identify): Employment:
Please provide 2 references. If you have worked or voluntered for the Catholic church in Washington State, please include this as one of your references. No family members.
*Reference #1 (name, phone and email): *Reference #2 (name, phone and email):

*Volunteer Interest (check all that apply):


How did you hear
about our program? (check all that apply):

Availability: Please let us know when you are available to volunteer.
Sunday: Monday: Tuesday:      
Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
In order to best match you with our program's needs, please answer the following questions. Your answers will help us to get to know you better.
*Why do you want to help refugees and immigrants?
*Do you have any special skills and/or interests you would be willing to share? (hobbies, languages spoken, professional expertise, etc.?)
*Describe any experiences you have had working with or helping refugees and immigrants.
*What have you enjoyed most and what have you enjoyed least in previous volunteer assignments?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?