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July 14, 2019

Dear Friends,
I regret to inform you that the beautiful statue of Mary and the Child Jesus that has graced our Mary shrine for the past twenty-two years was badly damaged this past week in a fit of rage by a very disturbed person. The statue will be able to be restored, but it will take time. Meanwhile, we will temporarily replace it with another statue of Our Lady, as soon as we can be assured that it will be secure.
The recent acts of vandalism in and around the Cathedral in recent weeks and months are a great concern. I’m sure you are all aware of the damage done not long ago to the Great Cross (currently undergoing restoration) and to the Seat of Wisdom statue in the courtyard (already repaired). Each of these artworks are an important part of the holiness of this place, ‘sacraments’ of God’s presence among us.
It is no secret that--despite all the efforts - our city has shown itself incapable of dealing with the severe problems brought about by chronic homelessness, mental illness, and drug use. It’s no secret, either, that the people who come here are more important than any of the beautiful things we cherish, no matter how sacred. But having said that, I ask you to pray that, in the days ahead, we will be able to find the balance we need in order to be not only a welcoming place but a safe place, and a haven of prayer and peace for all who come here.

Father Michael G. Ryan




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