The Virgin and Child with Six Saints
With one heart the disciples continued steadfast in
with Mary, the mother of Jesus (Acts 1:14)
This splendid Renaissance altarpiece dates from 1456. It is the
work of Neri di Bicci, who worked in Florence, side by side with great
artists like Luca della Robbia and Fra Angelico. Mary and Jesus are
depicted throned in heaven, surrounded by six saints. From the far left,
they are: St. Luke the Evangelist, St. Bartholomew, St. Lawrence, St.
John the Baptist, St. Martin of Tours, and St. Sebastian. Art historians
call this kind of painting a “sacra conversazione,” a holy conversation,
as the saints are seen ‘conversing’ with Mary and Jesus in heaven.
We know very well that the Blessed Virgin is Queen of heaven and
earth, but she is more Mother than Queen; and we should not say, on
account of her prerogatives, that she surpasses all the saints in glory
just as the sun at its rising makes the stars disappear from sight. My
God! How strange that would be! A mother who makes her children’s glory
vanish! I myself think just the contrary. I believe she’ll increase the
splendor of the elect very much.
--St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Last
Hail, holy Lady, Most holy Queen,
Mary, Mother of God, Ever Virgin;
chosen by the most holy Father in heaven,
consecrated by him,
with his most holy beloved Son
and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
On you descended and in you still remains
all the fullness of grace and every good.
Hail, his Palace. Hail, his Tabernacle.
Hail, his Robe. Hail, his Handmaid.
Hail, his Mother.
And Hail, all holy Virtues, who, by the grace
and inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
are poured into the hearts of the faithful
so that, faithless no longer,
they may be made faithful servants of God
through you.
Salutation of the Blessed Virgin of St. Francis of
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