IN THE NORTH TRANSEPT My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord Luke 2:16 This much-loved image of Mary as Our Lady of Grace has been venerated at St. James Cathedral since 1907. Carved from Carrera marble by an Italian studio at the turn of the century, the simple image shows Mary with open hands, her glance turned downwards. The statue suggests Mary at the moment of the Annunciation, speaking her great “Fiat” in answer to Gabriel’s message. But it also suggests Mary’s role as intercessor, praying with and for the Church. MEDITATION Mary was already blessed before giving birth, because she carried the Teacher in her womb. Mary is blessed because she heard the word of God and kept it: she retained the truth in her mind better than the flesh in her womb. Christ is Truth, Christ is Flesh. Christ Truth was in the soul of Mary; Christ Flesh was enclosed in her womb; but what is found in the soul is better than what is conceived in the womb. Mary is most holy and most blessed. The Church, nevertheless, is more perfect than Mary. Why? Because Mary is a part of the Church, a holy member, excellent, super-eminent, but a member of the entire body. The Lord is the head, and Christ is Head and body.... The members of Christ give birth in the mind, as Mary gave birth to Christ in her womb, remaining a virgin. In this way will you be mothers of Christ. --Saint Augustine of Hippo (5th century) PRAYER My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,