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The latest episode: February 2025

"Passionate Man's Pilgrimage" by Sir Walter Raleigh
Scott Webster reads the poem and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary

Alphabetical by author

Poet Poem Date created
Anon. Christians, to the Paschal victim 4/6/2021
Anon. The Corpus Christi Carol 04/19/2022
Anon. Pangur Ban 10/19/2021
Anon. Psalm 122 12/31/2022
Anon. Sancti Venite, 7th-c Irish 1/1/2025
W. H. Auden From For the Time Being 1/12/2021
W. H. Auden Musee des Beaux Arts 6/6/2023
Daniel Berrigan The Aunt 2/2/2021
Wendell Berry Sabbaths 2001 12/7/2021
Malachi Black Entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral 10/20/2020
William Blake And did those feet 6/1/2020
William Blake from Auguries of Innocence 10/1/2024
Nils Bolander Christianity 5/25/2021
Ruth Burrows I made a garden 3/2/2021
C. P. Cavafy Ithaka 7/19/2022
Paul Claudel The Virgin at Noon 5/18/2020
Lucille Clifton spring song 4/20/2021
William Cowper Light Shining Out of Darkness 6/21/2020
Countee Cullen Yet Do I Marvel 2/14/2023
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz From the Fifth Villancico 12/5/2021
Emily Dickinson One Crucifixion is recorded 3/30/2021
Emily Dickinson Safe in their Alabaster Chambers 11/16/2021
Emily Dickinson Some keep the Sabbath 5/23/2020
Emily Dickinson These are the days 9/15/2020
John Donne At the round earth’s imagin'd corners 12/15/2020
John Donne Death be not proud 6/9/2020
Rita Dove Dawn Revisited 11/10/2020
Jeremy Driscoll, OSB August Prayer 9/8/2020
T. S. Eliot The Journey of the Magi 1/4/2024
James Emanuel Emmett Till 2/15/2022
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Constantly Risking Absurdity 6/22/2021
Louise Gluck Vespers 11/24/2020
Thomas Hardy The Darkling Thrush 1/4/2022
Robert Hayden Those Winter Sundays 1/18/2022
Seamus Heaney Digging 11/3/2022
Herbert/Vaughan Williams I got me flowers 4/13/2021
George Herbert Easter Wings 4/13/2020
George Herbert Love (III) 7/26/2020
George Herbert The Collar 2/23/2021
George Herbert The Holy Scriptures (II) 7/20/2020
George Herbert The Windows 1/26/2021
Hildegard of Bingen Song to the Virgin 5/11/2021
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ As Kingfishers catch fire 5/7/2024
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Binsey Poplars 9/22/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ God’s Grandeur 4/21/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ My own heart let me more have pity on 8/4/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Pied Beauty 9/3/2024
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Spring and Fall 11/17/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ The Windhover 4/26/2022
Langston Hughes Island 2/1/2022
Ted Hughes That Morning 5/2/2023
Mary Karr Descending Theology: The Garden 4/4/2023
Sister Claudia Lee Like the Samaritan Woman 6/8/2021
Denise Levertov Caedmon 8/25/2020
Denise Levertov Primary Wonder 6/11/2024
Denise Levertov Servant Girl at Emmaus 9/1/2020
Denise Levertov The Annunciation 5/8/2020
Denise Levertov Variation on a Theme of Rilke 8/18/2020
C. S. Lewis Pilgrim’s Problem 1/19/2021
 Longfellow Divina Commedia 10/5/2021
Longfellow Mezzo Cammin 4/27/2021
Archibald MacLeish Ars Poetica 9/5/2023
Andrew Marvell Dialogue Between the Soul and Body 3/15/2022
Alice Meynell A general communion 6/1/2021
Czeslaw Milocz A Song on the End of the World 6/21/2022
John Milton When I consider how my light is spent 3/9/2021
St. John Henry Newman Lead, Kindly Light 7/12/2020
Naomi Shihab Nye Mediterranean Blue 9/29/2020
Mary Oliver A Summer Day 6/15/2021
Paul Claudel The Virgin at Noon 5/18/2020
Charles Peguy From The Passion of Our Lady 3/19/2024
Sylvia Plath You’re 9/14/2021
Jessica Powers Advent 12/8/2020
Jessica Powers Enclosure 3/31/2020
Jessica Powers In too much light 12/22/2020
Sir Walter Raleigh Passionate Man's Pilgrimage 2/5/2025
Rainer Maria Rilke Autumn 11/2/2021
Rainer Maria Rilke You, neighbor God 8/11/2020
Christina Rossetti A Better Resurrection 3/16/2021
Christina Rossetti Good Friday 4/6/2020
Christina Rossetti In the Bleak Midwinter 1/5/2021
Christina Rossetti Up-Hill 6/13/2020
Ku Sang Mysterious Wealth 5/18/2021
William Shakespeare Sonnet 73 11/7/2023
Lady Mary Sidney Psalm 70 10/27/2020
Stevie Smith The Heavenly City 10/3/2022
Roberto Sosa The Poor 6/7/2022
Robert Southwell The Burning Babe 12/29/2020
Mark Strand From The Last Seven Words 5/24/2022
Tennyson In Memoriam XXXII 11/2/2020
Tennyson "Ring out, wild bells" from In Memoriam 12/3/2024
Therese of Lisieux An Unpetalled Rose 12/6/2022
R. S. Thomas Folktale 4/28/2020
R. S. Thomas Kneeling 12/1/2020
R. S. Thomas The Coming 3/23/2021
Francis Thompson The Kingdom of God 7/5/2020
Henry Vaughan Peace 12/21/2021
Isaac Watts Psalm 114 7/5/2022
Walt Whitman A Noiseless Patient Spider 9/7/2021
Christian Wiman At a Window 3/1/2022
Christian Wiman Prayer 5/10/2022
Madeleva Wolff, CSC Song Silence 6/27/2020
William Wordsworth Composed upon Westminster Bridge 2/16/2021
William Wordsworth It is a beauteous evening 2/9/2021
William Wordsworth Lines written in early spring 5/4/2021
William Wordsworth Nuns Fret Not 2/28/2023
William Wordsworth She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 11/2/2024
William Wordsworth The Virgin 5/3/2020


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