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The latest episode: January 2025

"Sancti Venite" 7th-c Irish, translated by John M. Neale
Lisa Matchette reads the poem and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary

Alphabetical by author

Poet Poem Date created
Anon. Christians, to the Paschal victim 4/6/2021
Anon. The Corpus Christi Carol 04/19/2022
Anon. Pangur Ban 10/19/2021
Anon. Psalm 122 12/31/2022
Anon. Sancti Venite, 7th-c Irish 1/1/2025
W. H. Auden From For the Time Being 1/12/2021
W. H. Auden Musee des Beaux Arts 6/6/2023
Daniel Berrigan The Aunt 2/2/2021
Wendell Berry Sabbaths 2001 12/7/2021
Malachi Black Entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral 10/20/2020
William Blake And did those feet 6/1/2020
William Blake from Auguries of Innocence 10/1/2024
Nils Bolander Christianity 5/25/2021
Ruth Burrows I made a garden 3/2/2021
C. P. Cavafy Ithaka 7/19/2022
Paul Claudel The Virgin at Noon 5/18/2020
Lucille Clifton spring song 4/20/2021
William Cowper Light Shining Out of Darkness 6/21/2020
Countee Cullen Yet Do I Marvel 2/14/2023
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz From the Fifth Villancico 12/5/2021
Emily Dickinson One Crucifixion is recorded 3/30/2021
Emily Dickinson Safe in their Alabaster Chambers 11/16/2021
Emily Dickinson Some keep the Sabbath 5/23/2020
Emily Dickinson These are the days 9/15/2020
John Donne At the round earth’s imagin'd corners 12/15/2020
John Donne Death be not proud 6/9/2020
Rita Dove Dawn Revisited 11/10/2020
Jeremy Driscoll, OSB August Prayer 9/8/2020
T. S. Eliot The Journey of the Magi 1/4/2024
James Emanuel Emmett Till 2/15/2022
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Constantly Risking Absurdity 6/22/2021
Louise Gluck Vespers 11/24/2020
Thomas Hardy The Darkling Thrush 1/4/2022
Robert Hayden Those Winter Sundays 1/18/2022
Seamus Heaney Digging 11/3/2022
Herbert/Vaughan Williams I got me flowers 4/13/2021
George Herbert Easter Wings 4/13/2020
George Herbert Love (III) 7/26/2020
George Herbert The Collar 2/23/2021
George Herbert The Holy Scriptures (II) 7/20/2020
George Herbert The Windows 1/26/2021
Hildegard of Bingen Song to the Virgin 5/11/2021
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ As Kingfishers catch fire 5/7/2024
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Binsey Poplars 9/22/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ God’s Grandeur 4/21/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ My own heart let me more have pity on 8/4/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Pied Beauty 9/3/2024
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Spring and Fall 11/17/2020
Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ The Windhover 4/26/2022
Langston Hughes Island 2/1/2022
Ted Hughes That Morning 5/2/2023
Mary Karr Descending Theology: The Garden 4/4/2023
Sister Claudia Lee Like the Samaritan Woman 6/8/2021
Denise Levertov Caedmon 8/25/2020
Denise Levertov Primary Wonder 6/11/2024
Denise Levertov Servant Girl at Emmaus 9/1/2020
Denise Levertov The Annunciation 5/8/2020
Denise Levertov Variation on a Theme of Rilke 8/18/2020
C. S. Lewis Pilgrim’s Problem 1/19/2021
 Longfellow Divina Commedia 10/5/2021
Longfellow Mezzo Cammin 4/27/2021
Archibald MacLeish Ars Poetica 9/5/2023
Andrew Marvell Dialogue Between the Soul and Body 3/15/2022
Alice Meynell A general communion 6/1/2021
Czeslaw Milocz A Song on the End of the World 6/21/2022
John Milton When I consider how my light is spent 3/9/2021
St. John Henry Newman Lead, Kindly Light 7/12/2020
Naomi Shihab Nye Mediterranean Blue 9/29/2020
Mary Oliver A Summer Day 6/15/2021
Paul Claudel The Virgin at Noon 5/18/2020
Charles Peguy From The Passion of Our Lady 3/19/2024
Sylvia Plath You’re 9/14/2021
Jessica Powers Advent 12/8/2020
Jessica Powers Enclosure 3/31/2020
Jessica Powers In too much light 12/22/2020
Rainer Maria Rilke Autumn 11/2/2021
Rainer Maria Rilke You, neighbor God 8/11/2020
Christina Rossetti A Better Resurrection 3/16/2021
Christina Rossetti Good Friday 4/6/2020
Christina Rossetti In the Bleak Midwinter 1/5/2021
Christina Rossetti Up-Hill 6/13/2020
Ku Sang Mysterious Wealth 5/18/2021
William Shakespeare Sonnet 73 11/7/2023
Lady Mary Sidney Psalm 70 10/27/2020
Stevie Smith The Heavenly City 10/3/2022
Roberto Sosa The Poor 6/7/2022
Robert Southwell The Burning Babe 12/29/2020
Mark Strand From The Last Seven Words 5/24/2022
Tennyson In Memoriam XXXII 11/2/2020
Tennyson "Ring out, wild bells" from In Memoriam 12/3/2024
Therese of Lisieux An Unpetalled Rose 12/6/2022
R. S. Thomas Folktale 4/28/2020
R. S. Thomas Kneeling 12/1/2020
R. S. Thomas The Coming 3/23/2021
Francis Thompson The Kingdom of God 7/5/2020
Henry Vaughan Peace 12/21/2021
Isaac Watts Psalm 114 7/5/2022
Walt Whitman A Noiseless Patient Spider 9/7/2021
Christian Wiman At a Window 3/1/2022
Christian Wiman Prayer 5/10/2022
Madeleva Wolff, CSC Song Silence 6/27/2020
William Wordsworth Composed upon Westminster Bridge 2/16/2021
William Wordsworth It is a beauteous evening 2/9/2021
William Wordsworth Lines written in early spring 5/4/2021
William Wordsworth Nuns Fret Not 2/28/2023
William Wordsworth She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 11/2/2024
William Wordsworth The Virgin 5/3/2020


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