A Prayer for Peace
O God of life and love and peace, we witness the violence and
injustice in your world and our hearts ache. Our hearts ache for the
people of Israel— for the victims of violent attacks by Hamas, for
those held hostage, for those who live with fear and insecurity,
for families separated or bereaved.
O God of life and love and peace, our hearts ache for the people
of Gaza— for the victims of the Israeli military assault, for
those grieving the death of children and loved ones, for those being
denied water, food and medical care, for those who have been driven
from their homes.
O God of life and love and peace, we pray— that weapons of war be
laid down, that walls of separation be dismantled, that prisoners
be released, that enmity and hatred give way to understanding,
that calls for revenge and violence will grow silent, and that those
in authority might find ways to work together for the good of all
O God, you have promised to speak peace to your people, to those
who turn to you in their hearts. Kindle in our hearts a true love of
peace. Make us instruments of your peace that the barriers of
fear, suspicion and hatred may crumble and fall, and the people of
the world be united in justice and peace.
About the Author: John Paarlberg is a Regional Coordinator with
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) from New York.