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Advent Liturgies

To mark this holy season of longing and waiting, we change some of our usual liturgical practices.  The procession is modified and the altar is decorated more simply. During the liturgies, a greater role is given to silence, to the chanting of psalms, and to the ringing of bells. In accordance with a very ancient tradition in the church, the use of the organ is reduced during Advent.

Advent Wreath

The Advent wreath is a devotion Catholics have adopted from the Lutheran tradition. Prior to each Mass, the priest gathers with the liturgical ministers for the prayer and candle-lighting associated with the wreath. With each succeeding Sunday of Advent, an additional candle is lit on the wreath, a symbol of the dawning of the light of Christ into the world. The Advent wreath used in the Cathedral this year was designed by Father Josef Venker, SJ of Seattle University. The weathered wood base suggests the scripture heard each year during this season: A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom (Isaiah 11:1).

Evening Prayer with Music from Taizé

On Friday, December 6 at 6:30pm, this beloved monthly prayer service returns, with music, candlelight, and silence. Start your weekend with the meditative, peaceful spirit of Taizé.
Vespers: Evening Prayer

4:00pm Sunday afternoons. You are invited to join in the universal prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours, a forty minute service of sung prayer concluding with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This beautiful candlelit service is the perfect conclusion to a December Sunday.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation

is celebrated each Saturday morning in the Reconciliation Chapel, from 8:30am until 9:30am.
Communal Reconciliation Services

will be held on Monday, December 16 at 7:00pm. During this beautiful service of readings, reflection and song, we will open ourselves to experience the gift of God’s gracious and loving forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance. A second service with multiple confessors will be held on Saturday, December 21 at 2:30pm. In addition, confessions are heard weekly on Saturdays from 8:30am-9:30am.

Season of Hope: Advent Reflection

During this Advent season, you are invited to join in a weekly small group reflection: Season of Hope: Through Advent to the Jubilee. The coming year, 2025, is a Jubilee Year in the Church. Pope Francis is calling all of us to be pilgrims of hope. In this series, we will reflect on the meaning of Jubilee with the Scriptures of Advent. Mondays, December 2, 9, 16, and 23 on Zoom. Information, Caroline Okello, cokello@stjames-cathedral.org .

Christmas Carol Singalong for Seniors

All seniors are invited to a Christmas carol sing-along on Wednesday, December 4, 1-3pm. We will sing Christmas carols and then enjoy hot chocolate and cookies! Pastoral Outreach Center, 907 Columbia St.  RSVP to Anisa Ralls by November 29 at 206-382-4269 or aralls@stjames-cathedral.org .

Madre de las Americas

Saturday, December 7, 11:30am, Entrance of the Dancers. 12:10pm, Mass with Archbishop Etienne. The Hispanic community of Western Washington comes together at this celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Mother of the Americas. All are welcome both for the procession and the Mass!

Immaculate Conception Church celebrates 120 years

On Sunday, December 8 at 11:00am, our sisters and brothers at Immaculate Conception Church celebrate 120 years from the dedication of the church, the oldest Catholic Church in the city of Seattle. All are invited to join in a festive Mass and celebration. Congratulations to the people of Immaculate Conception Parish from your new Parish Family!   

The Immaculate Conception

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be observed on Monday, December 9. Masses for the Holy Day will be at 8:00am, 10:10am (with O’Dea High School), and 12:10pm.    

Simbang Gabi Celebration

Saturday, December 14, 11:00am Mass. Join Archbishop Etienne and participants from many parishes for Simbang Gabi, the beginning of a novena of Masses in which we prepare for Christmas in company with Mary. The Mass includes the blessing of parols (star lanterns) and helps us to focus our attention on the coming of Jesus, Light of the World.  

Cathedral Kids’ Christmas Party

Sunday, December 15, after the Noon Mass. At the party, children are invited to pick up their “Christmas Around Cathedral Hall” passport and visit fun activity stations around Cathedral Hall, including the Cathedral Youth Unite station to pick up a NEW Cathedral Youth Unite Hoodie in a NEW color! There will also be a pizza lunch and a visit from Santa! Information or to RSVP, Tami Kowal, 206-219-5822 or tkowal@stjames-cathedral.org .  

Rejoice heartily! Advent Retreat for Women

For a few hours step aside from the hustle, enter a small patch of quiet, and ponder the mysteries of God’s presence in our midst—today, yesterday, and forever. We will offer quiet reflection and prayer with Sacred Scripture, and (optional) small group synodal listening and will end in time to attend Sunday Vespers at 4:00pm. Facilitated by Patty Repikoff. Sunday, December 15, 1:30pm-3:45pm. Registration required. Information, Patty Pruitt, ppruitt@stjames-cathedral.org  or 206-274-3108.  

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary

Sunday, December 22 marks 117 years since St. James Cathedral was dedicated in 1907, and 30 years since it was rededicated in 1994. We will celebrate this anniversary on the weekend of December 21-22, with the lighting of the dedication candles.
The Giving Tree

Stop by the Mary shrine to pick a tag off our annual Giving Tree, or visit the Cathedral website for the virtual Giving Tree. Each tag contains a gift wish from someone in need in our community. It’s easy and fun to participate: simply shop for the gift and return it after Sunday Mass in the Cathedral Bookstore or have it shipped to the Parish Office by Sunday, December 15. Information, Patrick Barredo, 206-382-4515 or pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org .
Sock Drive

Our Annual “Warm Hearts and Soles” Advent Sock Drive is underway! Our Goal: 2,024 pairs of socks for homeless men. Please drop socks off in the Cathedral Bookstore or in the Parish Office. If you're ordering socks online, have them shipped directly to St. James Cathedral!

Christmas Masses

The celebration of Christmas begins with the Vigil Mass of Christmas at 4:30pm on Tuesday, December 24, and continues with the Mass during the Night—Carol Service at 9:00pm, Mass at 10:00pm. The Masses of Christmas Day on Wednesday, December 25 will follow the usual Sunday schedule:  8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 Noon, and 5:30pm. Solemn Vespers of Christmas will be at 4:00pm on Christmas Day. Find out more at www.stjames-cathedral.org.
Candlelight Mass on New Year's Eve

On Tuesday, December 31 at 5:30pm, we end the year with a contemplative celebration of the Eucharist, hundreds of candles, and the music of the ecumenical community of Taizé. What better way to bring 2024 to an end, and pray for joy, peace, and reconciliation in the year ahead?


Musical Prayer for Advent

Saturday, December 7 at 8:00pm
Medieval Women’s Choir: Tenebris ad Lucem

In the medieval mind, darkness and light were closely related to death and life, evil and good, ignorance and enlightenment. The progression from Advent, a time of anticipation and preparation, to the celebration of the Nativity was seen as a transition de tenebris ad lucem—from darkness into light. Tickets and more info at medievalwomenschoir.org/events/ or 206-717-4550. $30 general admission or use the pay-what-you-will option on their ticketing page.
Friday, December 13 at 7:00pm
A Service of Readings and Carols

St. James presents our annual Service of Readings and Carols. In the soft glow of candlelight,  St. James youth choirs and readers celebrate Advent with music and readings heralding Christ’s birth. This prayer is open to all; freewill offering.
Sunday, December 15 at 8:00pm
O Rising Dawn

Opus 7 welcomes the holiday season with a stunning program of choral music for Advent and Christmas. Featured music includes eclectic settings of the O Antiphons by Peter Hallock, Bob Chilcott, Rihards Dubra, David Hurd, Melissa Dunphy, John Muehleisen and Vytautas Miškinis, and other music for the season by Alice Parker, Joachim Knoph, Pierre Villette, Jeffrey Van, Damijan Moçnik and the world premiere of “Silent Night” by Jacob Malpocker. For tickets and more info, visit opus7.org  or call (206) 782-2899.
Information, 206-382-4874 or www.stjames-cathedral.org/music


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Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303