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Read Father Ryan's September 29 letter

Read Archbishop Etienne's letter
on the implementation of Partners in the Gospel

July 1, 2024

May 19, 2024
An update from Father Ryan

Dear Friends,
I’m sure you are aware that as of July 1, St. James Cathedral, Immaculate Conception, and Christ Our Hope will become one parish family, and that Archbishop Etienne has appointed me pastor of this family of parishes--an honor and a challenge! I know that a change like this brings anxiety as well as hope for what the future may hold.
Recently, I met with leaders of all three parishes and we shared what we each treasure most about communities. One thing is very clear: we all love our parishes and want them to thrive! We honor their rich histories, celebrate their unique qualities, and above all, we are grateful for the people that make up our communities. Happily, we are all also deeply committed to making the new parish family structure work.
In the days ahead, I will be working closely with the leaders of each community to make sure that the life of each parish continues, that we lose nothing of our identity, energy, or vitality. At the same time, we will look for ways to collaborate on programs and projects. We will also be offering a number of opportunities to get to know each other, to pray together, and to celebrate together.
Over the next few weeks, I will be meeting with each of the priests assigned to our parish family to make sure the sacramental needs of our parishes are well provided for. I will also be meeting again with staff leaders from each community to talk about the months ahead, major events, and how we can best welcome one another and get to know one another.
I am honored and humbled to serve as pastor of these three parishes, and look forward to the times I will be able to spend with each. At the same time, you need to know that I have not mastered the fine art of bilocating (let alone trilocating!). My primary focus will continue to be the Cathedral, but I am working with each parish to find ways that I can have a meaningful presence. And of course, I’m not the only priest! Four additional priests will be assisting in our family on a part-time basis: Fathers Bryan Hersey, Gary Lazzeroni, Paul Magnano, and Alex Pablo. I know you will enjoy getting to know each one of them.
As we celebrate this great feast of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, I pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit--comforter, fount of life, and fire of love—on each one of you and on our new parish family.
Father Ryan

April 8, 2024
An important letter from Father Ryan

Click here to download the PDF

Sunday, April 7, 2024

An important letter from Archbishop Etienne

Click on the image to download and read the PDF


February 3, 2024

Dear Friends,
I know you are all aware of a major restructuring effort underway in the Archdiocese of Seattle called Partners in the Gospel. This process, which began well over a year ago, will group parishes around the archdiocese into “families” of two, three, or more parish communities. The first draft of the proposed families came out in September. In response to that draft, people across the Archdiocese (including many of you) offered feedback and suggestions. Based on that feedback, a second draft was issued at the end of November and a new round of consultation took place. This week, the Archbishop announced the final parish families, which will become a reality in July of this year.
How does this affect us?
Two parishes are going to become part of a “family” with the Cathedral. They are the historic Immaculate Conception Church in the Central District, and Christ Our Hope. downtown. Those of you who have followed this process closely know that other options were considered for the Cathedral, but for various reasons, this configuration was determined to be the one that would work best for these three parishes.
What does this mean? It means that over the course of the next three-plus years, we will be looking for ways to work together and to collaborate in ministry. It does not mean – and I repeat, it does not mean - that any of these churches will be closed, or that we at the Cathedral will be absorbing those communities, or making significant changes to the way we worship, or to the way we serve, or spend our financial resources.
Above all, I want to assure you that St. James Cathedral isn’t going anywhere! The Cathedral is strong thanks to your support, and I have every confidence that we will remain strong. I invite you to walk with me into the future and to join me in looking at this new family configuration as an opportunity for us to extend our mission and our ministry even further.

Father Michael G. Ryan

Read the Archbishop's letter here
See the families for the entire Archdiocese of Seattle here



November 28, 2023 

Dear Friends,

I’m writing with an important update on Partners in the Gospel. As you will recall, Partners in the Gospel is an effort undertaken by the Archdiocese of Seattle which will group our 160 parishes and missions into “families” of two, three, or more parishes. The proposed families were published on the Archdiocese of Seattle website and in Northwest Catholic back in September. The family group proposed for St. James Cathedral included Immaculate Conception Church in the Central District and Christ Our Hope downtown, on Second Avenue.
A major consultation effort was undertaken with the faithful across the Archdiocese, including here at the Cathedral, to provide feedback on these proposed family groupings. Hundreds of listening sessions were held across Western Washington, and many more comments were submitted online. All told, some 3,000 pages of input was received by the Chancery over a three-week period!
Every piece of input was read by at least two people, and a short synthesis was created for each parish family. On November 8-9, two consultative bodies, the Archbishop’s Council of Priests and the Partners in the Gospel Oversight Committee, met with Archbishop Etienne at the Palisades Retreat Center to review the feedback and the proposed changes, and to make recommendations. As a result of this consultation and listening to your feedback, some changes emerged for 25 parish families, including St. James Cathedral.
The new proposal is for our parish family to include St. James Cathedral and Immaculate Conception (Christ Our Hope would join Sacred Heart in a different parish family).
From now until mid-December, there is a new opportunity to provide feedback before a final recommendation is submitted to Archbishop Etienne at the end of the year. Final parish families will be announced early in 2024. It’s a busy time, but I hope you will take time to share your thoughts on the new proposed grouping. Your input does make a difference!
Read the feedback received for the Cathedral parish family.
Click here to provide your thoughts on this change.

Thank you for participating in this important effort.

Father Michael G. Ryan

P.S. If you are interested in reading the feedback for the entire Archdiocese of Seattle, you can find the complete report here.



Read the Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Etienne
July, 2023

Updated Q&A
August, 2023

The Draft of Parish Families is now public!
September 23, 2023

Visit the Partners in the Gospel page at the Archdiocese of Seattle website


Father Ryan offers a brief overview and invitation here



Prepare to attend an input session
by watching this presentation about Partners in the Gospel and the Feedback Process



Why Partners in the Gospel? Why now? This video provides context for this effort.



Partners in Gospel is a strategic pastoral planning effort taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re-invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church. Today we face many realities that impact parish life and make it difficult to fully live out our mission. This archdiocesan-wide renewal effort, led by the Holy Spirit and grounded in prayer, will help us better support vibrant, sustainable, mission-focused parish communities across the entire Archdiocese of Seattle. To learn more about Partners in the Gospel, please visit archseattle.org/Partners.



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