Holy Week is here! After a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic, the
Palm Sunday procession returned to the 10:00am Mass. Here, Cathedral
Piper Tyrone Heade welcomes all to the gym for the blessing of palms.
Special thanks to our friends at O'Dea High School for hosting us again!
The servers lead the Archbishop to O'Dea
Just like the crowds who welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem, we hold palm
branches and acclaim him as our King.
Father Ryan proclaims the Gospel of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem
"Hosanna to the Son of David. Hosanna in the highest!"
"When the people heard that Jesus was entering Jerusalem, they went to
meet him, and, waving branches, they loudly praised the Lord:
Hosanna in the highest!" (Roman Missal)
In his homily, Archbishop Etienne invites us to "keep our eyes fixed on
Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2) today and throughout Holy Week.
At the Noon Mass, the children gathered with Father Ryan at the font for
the blessing of palms. Holy Week has begun!
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