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Our annual Giving Tree is online this year! As you're doing your Christmas shopping, please consider picking up one or two of these items to be donated to a person in need.

Items can be dropped by the Parish Office Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm, or can be shipped directly to the office: St. James Cathedral, ATTN Patrick Barredo, 804 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA  98104.


SOCK DRIVE  Help us collect 2,021 pairs of socks for homeless men and women!
Hanes 12-pack white men's socks
Hanes 12-pack black men's socks

St. James Immigrant Assistance promotes an inclusive society and advances justice for refugees and immigrants through education and advocacy. In addition, refugees and immigrants receive help to achieve their dreams and more fully participate in the life of the community.
$50 Safeway Gift Card for an immigrant family NEED 1 MORE
Ann Taylor Gift Card for an immigrant family  NEED 1 MORE
$50 Walmart Gift Card for an immigrant family  NEED 2 MORE
Bucket/basket of household cleaning supplies (detergents, cleansers, soap, mop) (purchase in store)
$50 Trader Joe's Gift Card for an immigrant family (purchase in store) NEED 1 MORE

PREPARES  “walks the journey” with pregnant and parenting women, men, and families, who find themselves lacking a healthy support network. Families will be able to access mentors and holistic wrap-around services from the time of awareness of pregnancy to the child’s fifth birthday. The PREPARES network provides meaningful, professional and sustainable support to vulnerable Washington mothers, fathers, and families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and early childhood.

Pack of diapers and wipes (size 4)  Currently unavailable; feel free to order similar item
Pack of diapers and wipes (size 4)  Currently unavailable; feel free to order similar item
Pack of diapers and wipes (size 5)
Pack of diapers and wipes (size 6)
Consider pairing the diapers with one of the following:
English-Spanish Children's Books  Currently unavailable; feel free to order similar item
Beginner's Children's Bible
Play & Learn Toddler's Activity Book


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303