June 22, 2019: Ordinations to the Priesthood! Representatives from two
of the seminaries attended by the ordinands--Mount Angel Seminary in
Oregon and Mundelein in Chicago--stand on the steps of the Cathedral
with Father Gary Lazzeroni.
Archbishop Etienne, our new Coadjutor Archbishop, enters the Cathedral.
"Do you promise respect and obedience to me and my successors?" "I do."
The candidates prostrate themselves before the altar as the Litany of
Saints is sung.
The laying on of hands by the Archbishop and the clergy is the heart of
the Ordination Rite.
The prayer of ordination
Newly-ordained, Father Ben Bray, Father Tyler Johnson, and Father Carlos
Orozco stand before the assembly vested in the chasuble for the first
The hands of each priest are anointed with Chrism.
The new priests share a fraternal sign of peace with the priests.
At the conclusion of Mass, each of the new priests offers the Archbishop
a blessing.
Congratulations to our new priests!
Ad multos annos!
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