June 7, 2019: An historic day for the Archdiocese of Seattle as we
welcome our new Coadjutor Archbishop, Paul D. Etienne. As Coadjutor,
Archbishop Etienne will work alongside Archbishop Sartain and take over
as Archbishop of Seattle when Archbishop Sartain retires. At left is
Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Papal Nuncio (representative of Pope
Francis to the United States). At right is Archbishop Etienne.
Members of the Archdiocesan Samoan Community provided a festive prelude
to the Mass.
Archbishop Sartain presided at the Mass of Reception for his new
the beginning of the liturgy, Archbishop Pierre read the Apostolic
Mandate, the letter from Pope Francis officially appointing Archbishop
Etienne as Coadjutor Archishop of Seattle.
warm expression of gratitude for the witness and leadership of
Archbishop Sartain.
Archbishop Pierre presented Pope Francis' apostolic mandate to
Archbishop Etienne....
...who then showed it to the entire assembly.
Some things never change! The official letter is in Latin, handwritten
on vellum.
Members of the Native American community presented the gifts.
the hymn of praise we sang, "Watch o'er thy Church, O Lord, in mercy;
save it from evil, guard it still!"
After Archbishop Sartain's remarks at the end of the Mass, a fraternal
embrace between "Peter" and "Paul"!
Rain before Mass, sunshine (and wind) after Mass!
The concelebrating bishops with the altar servers. A thousand thanks to
the many, many staff and volunteers who prepared and participated in
this welcome for our new Coadjutor Archbishop.
Welcome to
Seattle, Archbishop Etienne! Ad multos annos!
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone 206.622.3559 Fax 206.622.5303