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On Thursday, June 21, 2018, St. James Cathedral and Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral jointly sponsored a prayer and procession for families at the border. More than 1,500 gathered in prayerful solidarity with the families suffering from forced separations.

Special thanks to Rev. Canon Nancy Ross of Saint Mark's for working with us to plan and prepare the service

The clergy lead the way from Saint Mark's. It was an honor to be joined by the auxiliary bishops of Seattle, Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg and Bishop Eusebio Elizondo.

The procession walked along Broadway to St. James.

The procession concluded with a short service of prayer at St. James Cathedral. Father Ryan offered a welcome. "My friends, in welcoming you to the Cathedral this evening, I can’t help but recall that in February of 1942, the then bishop of Seattle, Gerald Shaughnessy, stood in the pulpit of this Cathedral to denounce in the strongest possible terms the executive order from the President of the United States that called for the rounding up of Japanese families and their incarceration in so-called 're-location camps' in Idaho.  I look upon this particular moment in our history as different, certainly, from that one, but  as a moment similarly dark and devoid of both justice and humanity."

Bishop Elizondo spoke. "Dawn is not yet here."

The service concluded with a candlelighting.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
St. Frances Cabrini, patron saint of immigrants, pray for us!


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