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On Saturday, June 3, 2017, Archbishop Sartain ordained four men to the priesthood for service in the Archdiocese of Seattle. They are Christopher Hoiland (above),

Colin Parrish,

Jeffrey Moore,

and Chad Green.

The Oil of Chrism is carried in the procession by Deacon Anh Tran.

Father Ryan greets the Archbishop at the Ceremonial Bronze Doors and welcomes those to be ordained as well.

Bishop Eusebio Elizondo

The Gospel is proclaimed. "You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come." (Luke 12)

After the Gospel, the four men to be ordained are called forth from the assembly.

Each of the four candidates for ordination promises obedience to the Archbishop and to his successors.

The gift of the Holy Spirit for service as priest is conferred on the candidates through the laying on of hands in silence by the archbishop, his auxiliary bishops, and the priests present. This ancient sign and the prayer of consecration constitute the heart of the ordination rite.

The newly ordained, now vested in stole and chasuble, kneel before teh Archbishop, who anoints their hands with sacred chrism. The anointing is a sign of their consecration to sanctify the Christian people and offer sacrifice to God.

The mothers of the newly ordained bring forward the gifts of bread and wine.

The archbishop presents the new priests with the gifts brought by the assembly, bread and wine.

All the clergy share the sign of peace with the newly ordained.

The four new priests concelebrate the Mass for the first time.

Archbishop takes a moment at the conclusion of the celebration to encourage the young people present to consider whether God is calling them to ministry in the Church as a priest or a vowed religious.

The final blessing.

"Imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord's cross."
from the Rite of Ordination

Congratulations and blessings to
Father Chad Green
Father Chris Hoiland
Father Jeffrey Moore
Father Colin Parrish

May you be faithful and loving servants of God's holy people.
Ad multos annos!



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