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Prayer, Vigil, and Procession in Solidarity and Hope
St. Mark’s – St. James Cathedral
June 13, 2016
            My friends, our walk tonight has taken us to two great houses of prayer in this city and the path we followed took us through the heart of that part of our city that has long been a home for our LGBT sisters and brothers.  In a very dark and painful moment, we could find no better way to make a statement of solidarity with these sisters and brothers; and no better way to express our oneness across the diversity of our religious beliefs; and no better way to call the wider community to prayer in the face of an appalling act of hatred; and no better way, either, to elevate, once again, before our community the issue of gun violence and gun control -- to express our ongoing commitment to the issue and our outrage at the tactics of those who are consistently and cynically bent on blocking reform of any kind.

            In our prayer tonight, we turn to the God of peace, the God of mercy, the God of love, the God who wipes away tears and calls us out of darkness into light.  We turn to God in our anguish and we cry out, “How long, O Lord?”  How long, O Lord, will people perpetrate acts of hatred and discrimination against their own brothers and sisters, their own flesh and blood, simply because of their sexual orientation, race, religion, or way of life?   How long, O Lord, will people attempt to settle scores or to solve problems by engaging in unspeakable acts of hatred and cruelty?   How long, O Lord, will people turn a deaf ear to the cries of countless people across our country who are the victims of gun violence?  How long, O Lord, will people continue to have far too easy access to the most appallingly destructive of weapons?  And how long, O Lord, will we allow powerful vested interests and lobbies to hold society hostage to their narrow, self-serving, and distorted notion of freedom?      

            How long, O Lord, how long!   And so, my friends, let us now bring before the God of life and love, the God of mercy and forgiveness, the prayers and petitions that are in our hearts this night.

Father Michael G. Ryan


Let us pray for all those who have died in this senseless tragedy: que Dios de amor pueda recibirlos en su abrazo compasivo,  llevar consuelo y sanación a sus familias y seres queridos y a todos que los lloran.
Let us pray for those wounded in this horrific act of violence:  que Dios pueda sanar, fortalecer y consolarlos.  Y que sus cuidadores, familias y comunidades puedan rodearlos con compasión y amor.
Let us pray for the first responders in Orlando – all who put their lives at risk for the safety of the victims, who experienced firsthand horrors beyond imagining, and who must now live with memories too painful to contemplate, that they will know the support of their community and the gratitude of all.
Let us pray for an end to gun violence. May we never come to accept mass shootings as part of the normal fabric of life in this land, but use our voices and our votes to demand common sense ways of restricting access to deadly weapons. May we leave to our children and our children’s children a wiser, safer, and more peaceful nation.
Let us pray for our sisters and brothers in the LGBT community here and across our nation: may they know our love, our support and our advocacy in the wake of this horrific act fueled by hatred and cruelty.  In the face of hatred may there be love, in the face of violence may there be peace, and in the face of prejudice may there be pride.
Let us pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters, especially those who are experiencing a backlash of hatred and violence in the wake of these attacks. May we find ways to dialogue with one another, to learn about one another, and to recognize that we are all children of the one God who is loving and merciful.
Let us pray for the perpetrator of these appalling crimes, and for all whose hearts are filled with hatred, intolerance, and fear.  May God open their hearts and minds and show them the way to understanding, compassion, and peace.
Let us pray for all gathered here in solidarity and prayer. May we be instruments of change in our communities, and forces for change. May we walk together tonight and always in hope and solidarity.


Dean Steve Thomason welcomes all to St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral

Rabbi Daniel Weiner, Temple de Hirsch Sinai

The Procession heads out of St. Mark's along 10th Avenue

About 500 people joined the procession

Rainbow banners lead the way

Father Ryan welcomes the people to St. James Cathedral

Chief of Police Kathleen O'Toole offers intercessions

Mayor Ed Murray also reads intercessions

The service concludes with candlelighting


Prayer, Vigil, and Procession
in Solidarity and Hope
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 7:30pm
Beginning at St. Mark's Cathedral--Concluding at St. James Cathedral


In response to the horrific shootings yesterday in Orlando,
you are invited to an interfaith prayer and procession
on Wednesday, June 15 at 7:30pm. 
People of all faiths are invited to gather at St. Mark's Cathedral,
1245 10th Ave E, for an interfaith service. We will then process
with religious and civic leaders across Broadway
to St. James Cathedral for a concluding prayer and candle lighting.
All are welcome.
If I walk out into the field,
look! those slain by the sword;
If I enter the city,
look! victims of violence....
Why have you struck us a blow
that cannot be healed?
We wait for peace, to no avail;
for a time of healing, but terror comes instead.
Do not reject us, for your name's sake,
do not disgrace your glorious throne.
Remember your covenant with us,
and break it not. 

Jeremiah 14:18-21



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