On Wednesday of Holy Week, we pray the office of Tenebrae.
This year, we offered our
prayer in a special way for the people of Brussels in the wake of the
terrorist attacks there.
The Cathedral Cantorei, under the direction of Dr. Paul Thornock, sing
Allegri's transcendent Miserere.
On Holy Thursday, we were privileged to welcome Father Thomas Rosica,
CSB, who came to St. James to preach on the Seven Last Words at this
year's Tre Ore service on Good Friday.
The heart of Holy Thursday, and the heart of all our worship:
celebrating the Eucharist around the table of the Lord.
"This is the chalice of my Blood."
"God with hidden majesty lies in presence here." (St. Thomas Aquinas,
Adoro te devote)
The liturgy of Holy Thursday concludes with the Transfer of the Blessed
Sacrament, from the altar to the tabernacle.
Father Ryan closes the tabernacle, and the solemn Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament begins, continuing until Midnight.
Father Ryan leads the Tre Ore service at Noon on Good Friday. "Tre
Ore" is Latin for "three hours." This service of prayer and
song, marking the three hours that Jesus hung upon the Cross, is a long
tradition at St. James Cathedral.
Father Thomas Rosica, CSB, preaches on the seven last words, or sayings,
of Jesus from the cross.
Father Rosica has kindly made the texts of his talks available to us.
Click here for the texts.
During the service, the Cathedral Cantorei sing, under the direction of
Dr. Thornock.
The stark beginning of the solemn liturgy of Good Friday: the
prostration of the clergy at the altar.
On Good Friday, the Passion according to St. John is chanted.
The solemn Veneration of the Cross by the entire assembly is at the
center of the Good Friday liturgy. "Faithful Cross the Saints rely on,
noble tree beyond compare!"
Each day of the Triduum begins with the Office of Morning Prayer.
On Holy Saturday, the Women of St. James Schola lead us in song at
Morning Prayer.
"Let everything that lives and that breathes give praise to the Lord!"
The Elect, those to be baptized at the great Easter Vigil, spend the
morning of Holy Saturday in prayer and reflection. One of the last
rites Father Ryan prays with them is the "Ephphetha" Rite, in which he touches
their ears and lips as Jesus touched the deaf-mute man (Mark 7:31).
"Ephphetha: that is, be opened, that you may profess the faith you hear,
to the praise and glory of God ."
Holy Saturday morning--the arrival of the Easter flowers! Each
year, Debe Meder and a team of volunteers prepare the extraordinary
floral arrangements at the altar.
This is the night! The Elect gather in the light of the new fire.
One of our youth Elect--very impressed by the height of the Paschal
"Christ, yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and
the Omega. All time belongs to him and all the ages."
Easter Candle, symbol of the risen Christ, is lit from the new fire.
Entering the darkened Cathedral...
...which soon becomes bright as the light is spread from the Paschal
Candle to each member of the assembly.
Father Ryan chants the Exsultet, the Easter Proclamation: "Let
earth be glad as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal
blessing of the baptismal font.
baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
"You are God's work of art, who chose you in Christ Jesus!"
the Elect, who have been preparing for many months, baptism is the end
of a long journey--and the beginning of a new one!
The Elect receive all three sacraments of initiation--Baptism,
Confirmation, and Eucharist-- on this holiest of nights.
sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."
The newly-baptized spread the light to the entire assembly.
Congratulations to the newly-baptized and thanks to Kathleen McCabe,
Brenda Bellamy, and all who helped bring you to this moment.
Cathedral Choir sings not only at the three principal liturgies of the
Triduum, but at the 10:00am and 12 Noon Masses on Easter Sunday as
well. They were still smiling on Easter morning!
wonderful Cathedral youth servers bring beauty and dignity to the
"Jesus Christ is risen today, alleluia! Our triumphant holy day."
The icon of the Resurrection, by Cathedral iconographer Joan
Brand-Landkamer, is carried in the entrance. Christ is risen!
Eucharist on Easter morning!
Youth readers proclaim the Good News.
Archbishop Sartain preaches at the Noon Mass.
After the homily, we renew our baptismal promises and are sprinkled with
blessed water from the font.
Easter evening--we gather at the font with the Neophytes for solemn
Vespers of Easter. Christ is risen! Happy Easter! |