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Ordinations to the Priesthood
The Ordination of Priests in the Cathedral is a gathering of the whole Church in western Washington: priests...

Ordinations to the Priesthood
...and people.  About 1,500 people packed the Cathedral, and many stood for the duration of the three-hour liturgy!

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The readings, proclaimed by friends and family members of the ordinands, remind us of how God uses human beings to carry out his work on earth and serve God's holy people.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Deacon Chad Green was ordained to the transitional diaconate just a few weeks ago.
God willing, he will be ordained a priest next year.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Seminarian acolytes lead Deacon Green to the ambo for the proclamation of the Gospel.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Following the Gospel, the candidates for ordination are called forward. "They have been found worthy."

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The candidates face the Archbishop during the homily.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
"Do you promise respect and obedience to me and my successors?"  "I do."

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The candidates prostrate themselves at the altar as the Litany of Saints is chanted.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The prostration is a Biblical gesture of humility before God.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The laying on of hands by the Archbishop is the heart of the Ordination Rite.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
All the priests present join in the Laying on of Hands.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The prayer of ordination

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The hands of the new priests are anointed with the sacred Chrism.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Standing room only!

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Father Joseph Vo of Vietnam, one of the five ordinands, is being ordained for the Domus Dei Clerical Society,
a three-hundred year old community from Vietnam.
Ordinations to the Priesthood
The splendid music for the Ordination Mass features the Cathedral Choir, brass, timpani, and organ,
 under the direction of Dr. Paul Thornock, Cathedral music director.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The mothers of the ordinands present the gifts of bread and wine to the Archbishop.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The hosts and wine, the gifts of the people of God to be offered to God, are presented to each of the new priests.  "Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord's cross."

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The Archbishop and all the priests present offer the newly-ordained the sign of peace.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The newly-ordained take their place among the priests for the first time.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Several of the seminarians of the Archdiocese served at the Ordination Mass.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The new priests join the Archbishop at the altar.

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Archbishop offered special words of gratitude to the parents and families of the new priests, whose encouragement and faith helped bring them to this moment.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
The new priests offer their first blessings to the Archbishop.

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Final blessing

Ordinations to the Priesthood
And photos!

Ordinations to the Priesthood

Ordinations to the Priesthood
Congratulations and God's blessings to the four priests ordained for the Archdiocese of Seattle (from left): Father Michael Dion, Father Kyle Manglona, Father Patrick Sherrard, and Father Cody Ross.
Ordinations to the Priesthood
May God, who has begun the good work in
Father Michael Dion
Father Kyle Manglona
Father Cody Ross
Father Patrick Sherrard
Father Joseph Thanh Vo
bring it to fulfillment! Ad multos annos!



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Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303