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On Thursday, May 5, a wonderful group of youth and adults gathered in the Cathedral with their sponsors, families, and friends to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation with Archbishop Sartain.

Archbishop and Father Ryan extend hands over the candidates--an ancient ritual action for the conferral of the Holy Spirit.

The candidates bow their heads in silent prayer.

One by one, the candidates come forward, introduce themselves, and ask for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit." 

The Sacred Chrism used in the Rite of Confirmation is the same oil used for Baptisms, the Ordination of Priests and Bishops, the Dedication of Churches, and the Consecration of Altars.  This fragrant oil is the "Christ" oil--the very word, "Christ," means "anointed one."

At the conclusion of Mass, two of the newly confirmed share reflections on the sacrament they have just received.

Congratulations to the newly confirmed!
And thank you to all the catechists, sponsors, and parents who helped prepare you for this holy day.



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