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Simbang Gabi is a beloved Advent tradition from the Philippines. It is a novena
of prayer leading up to Christmas. Each year, the coordinators of the Simbang
Gabi celebrations across the Archdiocese--more than 80 parishes--gather in the
Cathedral early in Advent for a special blessing.
The "parol," a star-shaped lantern recalling the
star that led the Magi to the infant Christ, is an important part of Simbang
Gabi. Each parol is hand-made and totally unique. This parol was made especially
for this year and features the logo for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
This parol contains an entire Nativity scene!
The Cathedral's Year of Mercy banner, the work of fabric artist Juanita Yoder,
was carried in the entrance procession in this year's celebration.
During the singing of the Gloria, illuminated stars descend from the Cathedral's
This year's celebration took place on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The
psalmists lead the assembly in Mary's Magnificat, praising the mercy of God.
Archbishop Sartain gave the homily.
The parol placed near the cathedra features Archbishop Sartain's motto--"Of you
my heart has spoken."
What a joy to have Archbishop Emeritus Alex J. Brunett with us for the Mass.
Simbang Gabi was one of the first celebrations he participated in as Archbishop
when he first came to Seattle in 1997. This celebration--and the whole Filipino
community--continue to hold a special place in his heart.
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