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On Thursday, June 18, 2015, some 260 Cathedral parishioners involved in dozens of different ministries here at the Cathedral gathered for a festive meal in Cathedral Hall.  It was a wonderful time to be together and celebrate the Cathedral community.

The salad this year was the produce of our Cathedral Kitchen Garden, which provides fresh produce all summer long to the Cathedral Kitchen.  Special thanks to our Cathedral Kitchen Garden volunteers.

Father Ryan acknowledged all the people who made the dinner possible.  Jeff Mandeville, our volunteer chef; Teddi Callahan, Director of the Cathedral Kitchen; Larry Brouse, Pastoral Assistant for Administration; Margaret Lynch, who coordinated the servers; and in a very special way, Matt Galvin of Pagliacci Pizza and Macrina Bakery. Pagliacci and Macrina not only provided food donations for tonight's dinner, they support the Cathedral Kitchen throughout the year.

Dessert in the Cathedral Courtyard following the meal.

After dinner, we assembled in the Cathedral for a brief prayer dedicated to the victims of the shooting at Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, South Carolina on Wednesday night. We prayed for the nine people who were killed while gathered in prayer, and we prayed for an end to the racial violence that plagues our country.

"Jesus, your light is shining within us. Let not my doubts and my darkness speak to me!"


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