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Pope Francis has declared 2015 to be the Year of Consecrated Life. On Sunday,
February 8, women and men religious from around the Archdiocese gathered in the
Cathedral for a special Mass.
Representatives from each community carried icons of their founders. A Carmelite
sister carries an image of Saint Teresa, while a Jesuit priest carries an icon
of St. Ignatius.
The cloistered Carmelite Sisters came from their monastery in Shoreline to be
with us.
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Altar servers gave our special guests a warm welcome!
It was wonderful to welcome Archbishop Sartain back to the Cathedral. He has
been out for five weeks recovering from surgery.
Sisters from many different communities prayed the intercessions.
Sister Joyce Cox, BVM is the Archbishop's vicar for religious--among many other
At the reception following the Mass, Sisters share information about the rich
variety of ministries they carry out, both here and throughout the world.
Father Ryan with the Carmelites.
Thank you to ALL the religious women and men who minister in this local Church
in so many ways.
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