On Thursday, June 4, 2015, we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with
twenty-four young people and adults. It was a powerful experience of the gifts
of the Holy Spirit!
Archbishop Sartain presided at the Confirmations this year. In his homily,
he spoke of confirmation as the culmination of the sacraments of initiation, the
"seal" placed on baptism.
"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."
The Church prays that each of the newly-confirmed will be
filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit:
wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, reverence, and wonder and
awe in the presence of God.
At the conclusion of the Mass, two of the newly confirmed shared their own
personal reflections on the sacrament and on their journey of faith.
Congratulations, confirmandi! Now go, set the world on fire!
Special thanks to the Rosanne Michaels and the Confirmation team who helped
prepare our youth and adults for this important step on the journey of faith.