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At Christmas, we celebrate Jesus as our Emmanuel--God with us. 

The celebrations begin at 5:30pm on Christmas Eve.  At this Mass, children serve, sing, read, and even help Father Ryan bless the manger scene!

"Gloria in excelsis Deo!"

The star-shaped lanterns, called "parols," are an Advent and Christmas tradition from the Philippines.

Families and children gather around the altar during the entrance procession.

Tonight, all over the world, Christians gather to listen to the Gospel story of the birth of Christ.

Children of all ages gather around the manger scene figures for the blessing.

The incensation of the altar and the gifts concludes with the incensation of the assembly.
We are God's holy people!

On Christmas Eve, there are not enough chairs in the Cathedral to accommodate all who come. The Chapel is also filled to overflowing!

Father Ryan offers a special welcome to the hundreds of visitors who join our community for Mass at Christmas.

The manger scene in the Cathedral Chapel.

The new exterior lighting of the Cathedral--just in time for Christmas in the Year of Mercy.


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303