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At St. James Cathedral, we keep vigil on the night before Holy Thursday. The ancient office of Tenebrae is sung as the candles are put out one by one.

On the morning of Holy Thursday, Archbishop Sartain leads us in Morning Praise.

On the night of Holy Thursday, we celebrate the solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper.

After the homily, the Archbishop washes the feet of parishioners, a powerful symbol of Christ's commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you."

The office of Morning Prayer on Good Friday.

At the Tre Ore devotion on Good Friday, we were privileged to welcome Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon as our homilist.  Dr. Kinnamon has generously made the text of his homilies available here. 

The solemn liturgy of Good Friday begins with the prostration of the clergy before the altar, as the assembly kneels in silent prayer.

Veneration of the Cross. "Behold the wood of the cross, on which hung the salvation
of the world.  Come, let us adore!"

On Saturday night, the Great Easter Vigil begins with the blessing of the new fire on the front steps of the Cathedral.

Hundreds gather with our Elect for the blessing of the new fire.

Father Ryan sings the Exultet: "Exult, heavenly powers!"

The men of the Cathedral Choir chant psalms between each of the seven readings of the Vigil.

Five adults and children were baptized at this year's Vigil. 
"You are God's work of art, who chose you in Christ Jesus!"

The celebration of confirmation follows the Baptisms.

Congratulations to all our neophytes and a special thank you to the catechists who helped prepare them for this unforgettable night!

Archbishop Sartain preaches on a glorious Easter morning.

Easter Vespers. "The Lord is truly risen, alleluia!"


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