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Two Cathedral ministers, Carmela Halos and Evelyn Antiojo, carry the Filipino
altar cloth which will be used to dress the altar at today's celebration of
Simbang Gabi, the traditional Filipino Advent celebration.
Deacons and priests gather in the vestibule for the procession of parols, the
star-shaped lanterns which represent the coming of Christ.
This annual Mass brings together people from across the Archdiocese. The parols
are carried by people from many parishes who coordinate their local observances
of the Simbang Gabi novena in preparation for Christmas.
The parols come in all shapes and sizes!
During the Mass, Archbishop Sartain commissions these leaders from across the
Archdiocese, and blesses their parols.
Wonderful music provided by a festival choir, featuring musicians from around
the Northwest.
Happy Advent!
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