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On Saturday, September 5, 2014, the Church of Western Washington had the joy of ordaining two young men to the priesthood: Brian Thompson and Dean Mbuzi. The fabric in the beautiful arrangement of flowers at the altar recalls Dean's native land, Zambia.  Read more about the newly ordained men here.

At the beginning of the liturgy, the two ordinands are seated among their fellow deacons.

Archbishop Sartain addresses his homily directly to those about to be ordained.

Each candidate promises respect and obedience to the Archbishop and his successors.

One of the most solemn and powerful moments of the liturgy: the candidates prostrate themselves before the altar while the entire assembly kneels for the litany of saints.

The heart of the ordination rite: the laying on of hands.

Prayer of Ordination

Now ordained, the new priests are vested in the stole and chasuble for the first time.

Family members of the newly ordained bring forward the gifts of bread and wine.

The gifts of bread and wine are in turn entrusted to the newly ordained.

Archbishop Sartain and all the bishops and priests present exchange the sign of peace with Father Thompson and Father Mbuzi.

The new priests are given places among their brother priests.

Concelebrating the Mass for the first time.

At the conclusion of the liturgy, the new priests bestow their first blessing on Archbishop Sartain.

The final blessing.

It was a special gift to have Father Bill Treacy, the senior priest of the Archdiocese of Seattle, with us for the ordination liturgy.  Father Treacy celebrates his 70th anniversary of ordination this month.  Seventy years a priest! Congratulations, Father Treacy!

Pausing for photos after Mass.  Congratulations, Father Thompson and Father Mbuzi.
Ad multos annos!

Another special gift was the presence of our retired Archbishop, Alex J. Brunett.


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