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On Thursday, April 10, 2014, hundreds gathered with the Archbishop for the annual Chrism Mass, during which the holy oils are blessed and consecrated for use in sacramental celebrations at the Easter Vigil and throughout the year. 

Herbert McCabe, OP, writes of the Chrism Mass: "it is usually the one time in the year when the whole Church is gathered together as one; at this ceremony the local Church, or at least priests representing the various parishes, and communities, come together with the bishop as a visible sign of the unity of the whole Church."

The first reading from the Book of Isaiah is proclaimed in Vietnamese.

The Gospel is proclaimed in Spanish.

The oils are presented to the Archbishop for his blessing: the Oil of Catechumens, used in the celebration of baptism; the Oil of the Sick, used in the anointing of the sick and dying; and the Oil of the Sacred Chrism, used in Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination of Priests, and the dedication of new church buildings.

After the Mass, the oils are distributed to be carried back to parishes and missions across Western Washington.


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