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Raven Creation
 Dan Tuttle

Something Happening
Dan Tuttle

 Available.  Contact artist: dantuttle@dantuttleart.com

COMMENTS BY THE ARTIST   My spiritual tradition, Unitarian, lacks a specific, dramatic creation scenario. To me, creation is essentially an event or force that makes the world different. These paintings are an attempt to translate this thought into a visual format.

Raven is the mover and shaker of the universe in the Northwest Indian and Inuit traditions. In his ordering of Creation, he seems to skip happily between the tough job of making the world and incomprehensible goofiness. For a small, totally intuitive painting, he’s a perfect subject.

Something Happening  My spiritual tradition, Unitarian, is distinctly lacking in compelling, coherent attention to the Creation. When thinking of imagery expressive of the concept of Creation, it seemed to me that high contrast of value and color and strong decisive forms could convey something of the power and mystery inherent in the subject. I think the essential quality of Creation is an event that changes things, whether on a galactic scale, a piece of canvas or the kitchen stove. I painted this picture very rapidly, using credit cards after the manner of a palette knife. I think the buried memory of “When he sets a compass of the face of the Deep” by William Blake (1799) may have influenced me.




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